I've built the SCAM using this configure statement:
configure -scam -dyn eul -hgrid 8x16 -nospmd -nosmp -test -ocn dom
but when I try to run it with the namelist variable single_column set to .true. I get a segmentation fault.
If I set it to false, I get this:
READINITIAL: model parameters do not match initial dataset parameters
Model Parameters: plev = 26 plon = 1 plat = 1
Dataset Parameters: dlev = 26 dlon = 128 dlat = 64
Any ideas on why this would happen?
configure -scam -dyn eul -hgrid 8x16 -nospmd -nosmp -test -ocn dom
but when I try to run it with the namelist variable single_column set to .true. I get a segmentation fault.
If I set it to false, I get this:
READINITIAL: model parameters do not match initial dataset parameters
Model Parameters: plev = 26 plon = 1 plat = 1
Dataset Parameters: dlev = 26 dlon = 128 dlat = 64
Any ideas on why this would happen?