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Set history file written in netcdf4 format rather than 64-bit offset(netcdf3) in CESM2

Hi all,

I wonder if there is a setting I could use to make the history file written in netcdf4 format? Currently, in CESM1 and CESM2, the history file is written in "64-bit offset", a version of netcdf3, which really makes instant opening struggle.



Erik Kluzek
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
There's a couple different options in PIO_NETCDF_FORMAT. The list of options might be slightly different depending on the CESM version. There are netcdf4 options that can be set in PIO_TYPENAME, which you could also use. If you set PIO_TYPENAME to one of the netcdf4 options you get netcdf4 output and the PIO_NETCDF_FORMAT is ignored. I don't have experience using the NetCDF4 options though, and I believe getting the build to work with netcdf4 is more challenging. So you'll have to try it out and see what works.