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severe error while running cam3 with slab ocean model

Hello,I want to run cam3 with slab ocen model but while execution it stops in between and show error asatm states and fluxes
zlvl = 58.6107045525677
potT = 267.165192884373
Tair = 266.595456659027
Qa = 2.395227224182870E-003
swvdr = 3.266638044882760E-009
swvdf = 5.60537896977326
swidr = 2.719906579296261E-009
swidf = 2.64645762046129
Flw = 268.339688830285
Fsnow = 3.851046112497137E-009ocn states and fluxes
frzmlt = -28797.4366947463
sst = -1.17210117847480
Tf = -1.80000000000000srf states and fluxesENDRUN:DHIf anybody knows about this, any kind of help will be appreciable.Thanks in advance 