Based on the large size of the error you are getting (~E+017) I would suspect a problem with the input datasets you are using, rather than an error in the model itself. I would check the atmospheric forcing you are using and any input datasets you are using or have modified, for unrealistic values.
Also, the nitrogen inputs on that time step are massive (~E+033). You could look at the input terms in CNBalanceCheckMod.F90 to try to narrow down which one of the input terms is responsible (e.g., supplement_to_sminn, fert_to_sminn, soyfixn_to_sminn). Three other input terms (ndep_to_sminn, nfix_to_sminn, ffix_to_sminn) appear to be reasonable as indicated by the log file you submitted.
Thank you very much for your help. I have found the reason for the error.The land surface input data I used was a single point of land surface data (surfdata_1x1_smallvilleia_78pfts_cmip6_simyr2000_c171214. nc) downloaded from the official website and modified (MONTHLY_HEIGHT_BOT, PCT_CFT, ORGANIC, etc.) but the "CONST_FERTNITRO_CFT" value was abnormally large resulting in errors.I changed the input of nitrogen fertilizer of the corresponding vegetation type to the default 2 gN/m2/ yr, and then "spring up" could be normal.
In addition, I have a few questions:
In "surfdata_1x1_smallvilleia_78pfTS_cmip6_simyr2000_roof_dir, EM_WALL, etc." there are other variables about "Urban" and " Glaciers " (ALB_ROOF_DIR, EM_WALL, etc.). If I set the value of "PCT_URBAN" to zero and used the component "I2000Clm50BgcCropGs", then the above variables have no influence on the model result?
2. In the Crop module, if I use PFT = 21 (rain-fed winter wheat), the planting window will be from Sep. to Dec.(northern hemisphere), and the "crop parameter" will use rain-fed spring wheat (e.g., temperature threshold, heat accumulation, etc.). Is this correct?
3. In the farmland module, if there is rotation of crops in the same area in a planting year, namely, two seasons of rice are planted in a planting year (from May to July, from Aug. to Nov.,northern hemisphere), or a season of rice (from Jun. to Oct.,northern hemisphere) and a season of wheat (from Nov. to May of the following year,northern hemisphere).Is this possible in CLM5?How do I set up the model?
Thank you for your help~