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SOC per Depth

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Christian Dold
New Member
Dear CLM modellers,

I have a question regarding the SOC output. I noticed that there are several variables available: TOTSOMC, TOTSOMC_1m, and SOILC_CHANGE (among others). I have two questions about it:

1. Is there a possibility to receive TOTSOMC per depth of interest (other than 1m), e.g 0-10, 10 -30 cm etc.? I saw the output variable bulkdensity is in xyzt, with z = 25 layers (default)
2. I figured that SOILC_CHANGE is the difference in SOC between two timesteps, when extrapolated from s to the time period of interest. Does this refer to TOTSOMC, and is it possible to receive it per depth as well?

Thank you for your help.


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
1. I think SOILC_vr (vertically-resolved soil carbon) would be what you are looking for. But I would double-check to make sure the sum of SOILC_vr is equal to TOTSOMC.

2. I don't think SOILC_CHANGE is necessarily directly related to TOTSOMC. It seems to be a FUN-related (Fixation and Uptake of Nitrogen) variable:

soilc_change(p) = (npp_active_no3_acc_total(p) + npp_active_nh4_acc_total(p) &
+ npp_nonmyc_no3_acc_total(p) &
+ npp_nonmyc_nh4_acc_total(p) + npp_fix_acc_total(p))/dt &
+ npp_Nretrans(p)
soilc_change(p) = soilc_change(p) + burned_off_carbon / dt


Christian Dold
New Member
Thanks a lot, this worked when multiplying SOILC_vr with the delta z as described in Table 2.3, p.18, CLM5 Tech Note.

A related question:

It says in the CLM5 Tech Note, that one can adjust the soil layer depths. I would like to alter the number and magnitude of levsoi, but I am not sure how to do this.


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
You can specify the "depth to bedrock" for each gridcell. This is the "zbedrock" field on the surface dataset as specified by the namelist item "fsurdat".


Christian Dold
New Member
Good morning Keith,

I have a follow-up question regarding the SOILC_vr and SOILN_vr variables. I do currently the following:

hist_mfilt = 365,365
hist_nhtfrq = -24,-24

hist_dov2xy = .true.,.false.
hist_type1d_pertape = ' ','PFTS'

hist_fincl1 = 'GRAINC_TO_FOOD','SOILC_vr','SOILN_vr'
hist_fincl2 = 'GRAINC_TO_FOOD'

This case works fine. But my case times out as soon as I change to:


I found the following error message in the cesm.log:

pio_support::pio_die:: myrank= -1 : ERROR:
pionfwrite_mod::write_nfdarray_double: 250 :
NetCDF: Numeric conversion not representable

and when I change to:

hist_fincl1 = 'GRAINC_TO_FOOD','SOILC_vr','SOILN_vr'

I get the following error message in the cesm.log:

pio_support::pio_die:: myrank= -1 : ERROR:
233 : box_rearrange_comp2io: size(compbuf)= 7920
not equal to size(compdof)= 10160

Do you know why this happens?

Thanks for your help.


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
I think it is probably because TOTSOMC, TOTSOMN, SOILC_vr, SOILN_vr are column-level variables and you are requesting pft-level output (PFTS).
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