Hello everyone,
I have modified the SpinupStability.ncl and added several other variables to check for equilibrium which I will provide you only the TSOI here:
Since I had two sets of AD and ND spin-up I created two scripts for TSOI spinupstability that are attached here and I will be happy to know if it worked for you too and if you can share your thoughts about it.
In the script you basically need to specify your name (USER) + case and if your output is yearly or 20 yearly put subper 20 and the flag above it to True, if not then put the flag to False (just like the original spinupstabiliy.ncl script). The first script (AD) works for yearly (or 20y) outputs, and the second script (ND) works for outputs that are saved as monthly. I know it looks unprofessional, but I thought sharing it with other colleagues might be a good idea.
P.S. FYI, I have explained my cases and issues I discussed before in another thread in case you want to know the back story:
I have modified the SpinupStability.ncl and added several other variables to check for equilibrium which I will provide you only the TSOI here:
Since I had two sets of AD and ND spin-up I created two scripts for TSOI spinupstability that are attached here and I will be happy to know if it worked for you too and if you can share your thoughts about it.
In the script you basically need to specify your name (USER) + case and if your output is yearly or 20 yearly put subper 20 and the flag above it to True, if not then put the flag to False (just like the original spinupstabiliy.ncl script). The first script (AD) works for yearly (or 20y) outputs, and the second script (ND) works for outputs that are saved as monthly. I know it looks unprofessional, but I thought sharing it with other colleagues might be a good idea.
P.S. FYI, I have explained my cases and issues I discussed before in another thread in case you want to know the back story:

question about CLM5 spin up
For Q1, I suggest that you try it, i.e. modify the .ncl script to do what you want. Otherwise, rerun with hist_mfilt = 1. For Q2, you will find that we provide default initial condition files when you set up your simulation. That is the extent of what we offer, unfortunately. Dear Dr. Slevis...