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SST restoring in CICE5 with DART (Data Assimilation Research Testbed)

Inchae Chung

Inchae Chung
New Member
Hello, everyone.

I am running the CICE5 with DART, i.e., sea ice data assimilation. In my CICE5 running, sea ice formation is generally overestimated and underestimated during in winter and summer, respectively and if i right, the reason could be the cold bias (warm bias) in winter (summer). So i'd like to SST restoring in CICE5 before data assimilation.
I've searched and checked all of the documents, code as much i can, but i couldn't find the way to SST restoring.
I think that although CICE5 is standalone, it is a coupled system because it is attached to DART, and i think that SST restoring doesn't work in that coupled systems (In ice_forcing.F90, "oceanmixed_ice" should be "= .true." but only for uncoupled system).
Is there a way to SST restoring in coupled-CICE5 systems?

For more details, I'd like to do SST restoring according to the period i want while performing data assimilation every day.

Please let me know if you know how to do.

Thanks for reading this,
Inchae Chung