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Standalone CLM's radiative runs

Dear all,

I am currently trying to assess the change in surface radiative quantities (at first albedos) that would be implied by modifying the TwoStream() subroutine (the one in CLM3's src/biogeophys/SurfaceAlbedoMod.F90).
I am, however, a beginner when it comes to CLM and I would need some help to be able to run the model offline.

Is there an easy way to run *only* the SurfaceAlbedo() routine (for one time-step) and visualize the results?

If not, are the different surface albedos (VIS, NIR, direct illumination, diffuse illumination) written as outputs to the standard offline CLM3 run?

If someone else is interested in the same topic but is more familiar with CLM runs and output formats, maybe we could collaborate: I write and integrate the new radiative routine and somenone else performs the simulations?

Please let me know if some easy solutions exist.



Staff member

1) I don't know of anyone who has run clm's radiative code by itself.

2) Clm does output what you need to get various albedos. See clm3's user's guide for a list of output variables.

Sam Levis