New Member
Hello,I am a new user of CESM. I am using it for WACCMX outputs. I just created a new case on cheyenne as follows-1. ./create_newcase --case ~/cases/cheyenne/f.e20.FXSD.f19_f19.001 --compset FXSD --res f19_f19 --run-unsupported
2. ./case.setup3. ./case.build4. ./case.submit
The job runs! This is for 2000-01-01However the problem arises when I try to change the Start date of the run in env_run.xml file, say - .
I get an error saying - FIND_TIMES: Failed to find dates bracketing desired time.
I am attaching the log file here. Any help will be appreciated. Please let me know if I am missing any input file or failing to change any variable in the env_run.xml
2. ./case.setup3. ./case.build4. ./case.submit
The job runs! This is for 2000-01-01However the problem arises when I try to change the Start date of the run in env_run.xml file, say - .
I get an error saying - FIND_TIMES: Failed to find dates bracketing desired time.
I am attaching the log file here. Any help will be appreciated. Please let me know if I am missing any input file or failing to change any variable in the env_run.xml