I am using the CESM2.1.4 version on Derecho, and the specific situation is:
I replaced the default fsurdat data with my own modified data and attempted to simulation. It went smoothly until the ./case.build, but failed in the final step ./case.submit.
The specific details of the case are: --res f09_f09_mg17 --compset F2000climo
I only modified the STOP_ N = 2 and STOP_ OPTION = nyears, as well as hist_nhtfrq = 0, -24 hist_mfilt = 1, 365 in user_nl_clm, and mfilt = 1, 365 nhtfrq = 0, -24 in user_nl_cam.
The received error is: run command is mpiexec --label -n 512 /glade/derecho/scratch/dyang/F2000climo1984test2/bld/cesm.exe >> cesm.log.$LID 2>&1
ERROR: RUN FAIL: Command 'mpiexec --label -n 512 /glade/derecho/scratch/dyang/F2000climo1984test2/bld/cesm.exe >> cesm.log.$LID 2>&1 ' failed
See log file for details: /glade/derecho/scratch/dyang/F2000climo1984test2/run/cesm.log.2682862.desched1.231221-231848
I have pasted the cesm.log file below.
I want to know how to solve this problem
I replaced the default fsurdat data with my own modified data and attempted to simulation. It went smoothly until the ./case.build, but failed in the final step ./case.submit.
The specific details of the case are: --res f09_f09_mg17 --compset F2000climo
I only modified the STOP_ N = 2 and STOP_ OPTION = nyears, as well as hist_nhtfrq = 0, -24 hist_mfilt = 1, 365 in user_nl_clm, and mfilt = 1, 365 nhtfrq = 0, -24 in user_nl_cam.
The received error is: run command is mpiexec --label -n 512 /glade/derecho/scratch/dyang/F2000climo1984test2/bld/cesm.exe >> cesm.log.$LID 2>&1
ERROR: RUN FAIL: Command 'mpiexec --label -n 512 /glade/derecho/scratch/dyang/F2000climo1984test2/bld/cesm.exe >> cesm.log.$LID 2>&1 ' failed
See log file for details: /glade/derecho/scratch/dyang/F2000climo1984test2/run/cesm.log.2682862.desched1.231221-231848
I have pasted the cesm.log file below.
I want to know how to solve this problem