These are bins for the CARMA sulfate model. There may be approximate dry radius for each bin listed in the long_name metadata for each variable. However, these bins are based on mass of sulfate, so dry radius will vary with temperature (density), and the wet radius will also vary with water vapor content. You can output the actual dry and wet radii of each bin as a separate variable (check the MASTER FIELD LIST in your atm.log.* output in your run directory for available history variable names).In cam/src/physics/carma/models/sulfate/carma_model_mod.F90, the number of bins is set at 30, the dry radius of the smallest bin is set to 0.343 nm (2 H2SO4 molecules), and subsequent bins increase the volume by a factor of 2.4: integer, public, parameter :: NBIN = 30 !! Number of particle bins! Set radius of smallest bin such that mass is that of 2 molecules of H2SO4: real(kind=f), parameter :: rmin = 3.43230298e-8_f ! minimum radius (cm) real(kind=f), parameter :: vmrat = 2.4_f ! volume ratioThese parameters can be modified by the user.