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Surface Albedo: Is it a output varaible?

Hi All,

I was wondeirng whether surface albedo (ALBSURF) is a output variable either in CAM or CLM model output. I tired to find it, but i could not.

If it is not a output varaible, how does in dignositc test it comes out to be a varaible, or dignostic test calculates it as reflected/incident solar radiation.

Any help in this regard is higly appreciated.

I searched reply for surface albedo question. Surface albdeo is a calulated variable using following formula:

Surface Albdeo = (FSDS-FSNS)/(FSDS)

FSDS: Downwelling solr flux at the surface

FSNS: Net Solar Flux at the surface.

Hope above would be helpful.

The formula given above will give you the broadband flux albedo. However, in the radiation code of the CAM and CCSM 4 different albedos are used: Visible direct beam, Visible diffuse bean, Near-IR direct beam, and Near-IR diffuse beam. The CLM output data includes the necessary spectral fluxes at the surface to calculate these albedos, i.e FSDSND (direct nir incident solar radiation) and FSRND (direct nir reflected solar radiation). The Near-IR albedo would be


ALDIR=>Near-IR Direct Beam Albedo
