New Member
Dear All,I am now working on analyzing the data of historical and RCP 8.5 scenarios in CESM1 Large Ensemble Project. For transient analyses, I'm wondering which input data files of aerosol and greenhouse gas are used for members 001-035 in these scenarios.For greenhouse gas, I guess the file is in the below path, but I'm not sure which one is the right file./gpfs/fs1/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/atm/cam/ggasFor aerosol, I guess the file is in the below path, but I'm not sure which one is the right one./gpfs/fs1/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart_aero/aeroPlease help me find out the files!Thanks for your help!I-Han