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The function of each source code in the root directory


New Member

I am trying to modify the moisture in the source code in CAM. I went into the directory of the source code of FV core ($CCSMROOT/models/atm/cam/src/dynamics/fv/) and I see so many Fortran codes (figure attached). I do not know which one is the main code. I have briefly scanned several codes but I do not find the variable "moisture". Can anyone tell me where the variable like specific humidity is first defined?src_code.PNG



Courtney Peverley
Staff member
Hi Li,

I would recommend looking at $CAM/src/physics/cam/nudging.F90 and seeing if nudging Q (specific humidity) will do what you want.

If not, could you provide more detail on what you're trying to do? Hopefully I can help more given more information.



New Member
Hi Li,

I would recommend looking at $CAM/src/physics/cam/nudging.F90 and seeing if nudging Q (specific humidity) will do what you want.

If not, could you provide more detail on what you're trying to do? Hopefully I can help more given more information.

Hi Courtney,

Thanks for your reply! I entered the route you mentioned but I did not find the nudging.F90. The model I used is CESM1.2.1. What I want to do is to lock the radiation related to water vapor, so I need to find the variable "specific humidity" or "mixing ratio", and the place where the main code transmits the specifc humidity or mixing ratio to the radiation module. Can you give me some instructions on this? I have been looking for it for a long time but I still do not make it.
