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the internal domain decomposition error for the land model


I am running the cesm2 with intel compiler and mpi and netcdf on our own machine. I am able to run the model with 4 nodes (128 processors), but with 8 nodes I will get the error related to the internal domain decomposition for the land model. Here is the information for my case:
./create_newcase --case ../../../cases/test2000 --compset I2000Clm50SpGs --res hcru_hcru --machine svante --compiler intel --run-unsupportedI attach the cesm log file for error message.Any help is appreciated.Xiang


I am wondering if you have any idea about this problem based on the attached log file. Any update is really appreciated.


CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
I have been unable to reproduce your problem locally.   What version of netcdf are you using?   Try changing the PIO_STRIDE value:./xmlchange PIO_STRIDE=32 (16, 8, ...) 


Here is the information:intel/2017.0.1netcdf/4openmpi/2.0.2I will give it a try with PIO_STRIDE and let you know.Thanks.  


I just found out that my default PIO_STRIDE is set as "32" as follows:    PIO_STRIDE: ['CPL:32', 'ATM:32', 'LND:32', 'ICE:32', 'OCN:32', 'ROF:32', 'GLC:32', 'WAV:32', 'ESP:32']Thanks,Xiang


CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Experiment with changing the pio stride to different values, since you were successful with 4 nodes try PIO_STRIDE=64The netcdf version has three digits, you can get it with nc-config --version


James Simkins
New Member
For anyone experiencing this issue still, I just solved it...

The problem had nothing to do with the land model, but rather that the INPUT files I generated were not NETCDF3 files. I had to convert them to NETCDF3 64 bit in order to solve this.