I am running the cesm2 with intel compiler and mpi and netcdf on our own machine. I am able to run the model with 4 nodes (128 processors), but with 8 nodes I will get the error related to the internal domain decomposition for the land model. Here is the information for my case:
./create_newcase --case ../../../cases/test2000 --compset I2000Clm50SpGs --res hcru_hcru --machine svante --compiler intel --run-unsupportedI attach the cesm log file for error message.Any help is appreciated.Xiang
./create_newcase --case ../../../cases/test2000 --compset I2000Clm50SpGs --res hcru_hcru --machine svante --compiler intel --run-unsupportedI attach the cesm log file for error message.Any help is appreciated.Xiang