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The landuse.timeseries file created with gen_CLMsrfdata cannot be used in cesm2_3_alpha016g


Hi, everyone:

I don't know if this is the right place to ask. I'm trying to create my own resolution, but the landuse.timeseries file created with gen_CLMsrfdata cannot be used in cesm2_3_alpha016g. ERROR: PCT_LAKE_MAX is not on landuse.timeseries fileERROR in surfrdMod.F90 at line 971. Maybe I should return an older version of CESM?

Thanks for looking!



@Lumoss to use fsurdat files generated by mksurfdata_esmf with cesm2_3_alpha016g, you need code modifications mentioned here:
Coupled Sturm snow (f2000.ne30_t232.BGC_CROP_SturmSnowtk) · Issue #13 · NCAR/LMWG_dev (search for the string ctsm5.2)

A better alternative may be to generate your fsurdat files with the mksurfdata_map tool already available with cesm2_3_alpha016g.

Thank you for your reply, here is a question, using mksurfdata_esmf, specifically to modify where the code? How do I use the mksurfdata_map tool already provided in cesm2_3_alpha016g? It does not seem to be the same as the mksurfdata_map tool provided by older versions of cesm.



Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
We don't see PCT_LAKE_MAX anywhere in that tag (cesm2_3_alpha16g), so we're not sure why you are getting that error you mention in your first post.


We don't see PCT_LAKE_MAX anywhere in that tag (cesm2_3_alpha16g), so we're not sure why you are getting that error you mention in your first post.
I used this file when I ran the CONUS case earlier, and it contains PCT_LAKE_MAX.



To use a ctsm5.2 file, you are definitely best off running the model from the ctsm5.2.mksurfdata branch. Ctsm5.1 needs a few hacks to work with ctsm5.2 files. However, the ctsm5.2.mksurfdata branch is not supported, yet, and may or may not work for you.

So back to the previous suggestion, I think you may be best off running the mksurfdata_map tool available in your model version to generate the fsurdat and landuse files that you need. Instructions for using the tool are in the clm user's guide.