Hi all,
I am running regional simulations using CESM5.2.005. In lnd.log, I found the total number of land gridcells changes over simulation. For example,
./xmlchange RUN_STARTDATE=0001-01-01
./xmlchange LND_DOMAIN_MESH="${LNDMESH}"
./xmlchange ATM_DOMAIN_MESH="${LNDMESH}"
./xmlchange MASK_MESH="${MASKMESH}"
./xmlchange DATM_YR_END=${ENDYEAR}
./xmlchange NTASKS=128
./xmlchange ROOTPE_LND=64
./xmlchange STOP_OPTION=nyears
./xmlchange STOP_N=${SPINUP}
./xmlchange RESUBMIT=2
in the first run:
Attempting to read global dimensions from surface dataset
(GETFIL): attempting to find local file
(GETFIL): using /mnt/iusers01/fatpou01/sees01/a16404ys/scratch/Projects/inputdata/project4/surfdata_005x005_UKwest_hist_1950_78pfts_c240526.nc
global ni,nj = 172 220
model grid is 2-dimensional
Computing land fraction and land mask by mapping mask from mesh_mask file
decomp precompute numg,nclumps,seglen1,avg_seglen,nsegspc= 29578 256 F 3.30111599 35.0000000
Surface Grid Characteristics
longitude points = 172
latitude points = 220
total number of land gridcells = 29578
Decomposition Characteristics
clumps per process = 2
in the second run (restart):
Attempting to read global dimensions from surface dataset
(GETFIL): attempting to find local file
(GETFIL): using /mnt/iusers01/fatpou01/sees01/a16404ys/scratch/Projects/inputdata/project4/surfdata_005x005_UKwest_hist_1950_78pfts_c240526.nc
global ni,nj = 172 220
model grid is 2-dimensional
Computing land fraction and land mask by mapping mask from mesh_mask file
decomp precompute numg,nclumps,seglen1,avg_seglen,nsegspc= 30253 256 F 3.37645078 35.0000000
Surface Grid Characteristics
longitude points = 172
latitude points = 220
total number of land gridcells = 30253
Decomposition Characteristics
clumps per process = 2
I tried several times and each time the total number of land gridcells was different. For example,
Computing land fraction and land mask by mapping mask from mesh_mask file
decomp precompute numg,nclumps,seglen1,avg_seglen,nsegspc= 33766 256 F 3.76852679 35.0000000
Surface Grid Characteristics
longitude points = 172
latitude points = 220
total number of land gridcells = 33766
Decomposition Characteristics
clumps per process = 1
Computing land fraction and land mask by mapping mask from mesh_mask file
decomp precompute numg,nclumps,seglen1,avg_seglen,nsegspc= 34268 256 F 3.82455349 35.0000000
Surface Grid Characteristics
longitude points = 172
latitude points = 220
total number of land gridcells = 34268
Decomposition Characteristics
clumps per process = 1
This resulted in the error: check_dim_size ERROR: mismatch of input dimension 29578 with expected value 30253 for variable gridcellDid you mean to set use_init_interp = .true. in user_nl_clm?
Is it normal? Could I use 'use_init_interp = .true.' to solve this error? Thanks for any comments.
I am running regional simulations using CESM5.2.005. In lnd.log, I found the total number of land gridcells changes over simulation. For example,
./xmlchange RUN_STARTDATE=0001-01-01
./xmlchange LND_DOMAIN_MESH="${LNDMESH}"
./xmlchange ATM_DOMAIN_MESH="${LNDMESH}"
./xmlchange MASK_MESH="${MASKMESH}"
./xmlchange DATM_YR_END=${ENDYEAR}
./xmlchange NTASKS=128
./xmlchange ROOTPE_LND=64
./xmlchange STOP_OPTION=nyears
./xmlchange STOP_N=${SPINUP}
./xmlchange RESUBMIT=2
in the first run:
Attempting to read global dimensions from surface dataset
(GETFIL): attempting to find local file
(GETFIL): using /mnt/iusers01/fatpou01/sees01/a16404ys/scratch/Projects/inputdata/project4/surfdata_005x005_UKwest_hist_1950_78pfts_c240526.nc
global ni,nj = 172 220
model grid is 2-dimensional
Computing land fraction and land mask by mapping mask from mesh_mask file
decomp precompute numg,nclumps,seglen1,avg_seglen,nsegspc= 29578 256 F 3.30111599 35.0000000
Surface Grid Characteristics
longitude points = 172
latitude points = 220
total number of land gridcells = 29578
Decomposition Characteristics
clumps per process = 2
in the second run (restart):
Attempting to read global dimensions from surface dataset
(GETFIL): attempting to find local file
(GETFIL): using /mnt/iusers01/fatpou01/sees01/a16404ys/scratch/Projects/inputdata/project4/surfdata_005x005_UKwest_hist_1950_78pfts_c240526.nc
global ni,nj = 172 220
model grid is 2-dimensional
Computing land fraction and land mask by mapping mask from mesh_mask file
decomp precompute numg,nclumps,seglen1,avg_seglen,nsegspc= 30253 256 F 3.37645078 35.0000000
Surface Grid Characteristics
longitude points = 172
latitude points = 220
total number of land gridcells = 30253
Decomposition Characteristics
clumps per process = 2
I tried several times and each time the total number of land gridcells was different. For example,
Computing land fraction and land mask by mapping mask from mesh_mask file
decomp precompute numg,nclumps,seglen1,avg_seglen,nsegspc= 33766 256 F 3.76852679 35.0000000
Surface Grid Characteristics
longitude points = 172
latitude points = 220
total number of land gridcells = 33766
Decomposition Characteristics
clumps per process = 1
Computing land fraction and land mask by mapping mask from mesh_mask file
decomp precompute numg,nclumps,seglen1,avg_seglen,nsegspc= 34268 256 F 3.82455349 35.0000000
Surface Grid Characteristics
longitude points = 172
latitude points = 220
total number of land gridcells = 34268
Decomposition Characteristics
clumps per process = 1
This resulted in the error: check_dim_size ERROR: mismatch of input dimension 29578 with expected value 30253 for variable gridcellDid you mean to set use_init_interp = .true. in user_nl_clm?
Is it normal? Could I use 'use_init_interp = .true.' to solve this error? Thanks for any comments.