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The vertical resolution of CAM2

The CAM2 have 26 vertical levels. It use hybrid coordinate that is P=A*P0+B*PS. The value of A and B already be given in initial data. But I want to know how can I define 26 A and 26 B. I have read all conferences which be mentioned in the model description(1: Climate simulations with a semi-lagrangian version of the NCAR community climate model, DAVID L. Williamson and Jerry G. olson., Monthly Weather Review, Vol 122, 1594-1610.
2: European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecases Technical report NO. 28, An energy and angular momentum conserving ginite-difference scheme, Hybrid coordiantes and dedium-range weather prediction, A. J. Simmons and R. strufing, 1981.
3: An energy and angular-momentum conserving vertical tinite-difference scheme and hybrid vertical coordinates, A. J. Simmons and D. M. Burridge, Monthly Weather Review,1981, 758-766.
4: Numerical forecasts of stratospheric warming events using a model with a hybrid vertical coordinate,A. J. Simmons and R. strufing,Quart. J. R.Met. Soc. (1983), 109, 99. 81-111.).
But I still don't know how to define them. Who can tell me Which formula be used to define the A and B in equation P=A*P0+B*PS or how can I define them?