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To verify several things about changing SST in WACCMSC run...

Hi, I am recently trying to change SST to a (4xCO2) case so that I can run WACCM under 4xCO2 consistently.I have gone through many Q&A in the forum, but since that things have changed in the latest CESM1.2.2, I hope some one can give me some advice on my understanding...======I download 4xCO2 SST and SIC(sea ice concentration) data from CMIP5 models.From those data, I need to poisson-interpolate the SST and SIC so that the files have a value on each grid instead of just on the ocean. (Q1: if I use sstice tool, need I still do this?)After this, I should use sstice tools (bcgen&regrid) to make my own SST/ICE data. (Q2: If I use this tool, need I still change the variable name etcetc like what people do to make SSTICE input file from a B-compset run?)There are two ways to change SSTA. revise on basis of existed compset (WACCM_SC for instance).    If choose A, then I need to revise a lot of things, including stream_domfilename & stream_fldfilename in cice_buildnml.xml and dat_datpath  dat_datfile in docn.buildnml.xml and $DIN_LOC_ROOT/ocn/docn7/SSTDATA in docn.buildnml.csh.  (Q3: in CESM1.2.2 change the csh file is not allowed (recommended?)? and everything should be changed in xml file? Is there still cice_buildnml.xml file in CESM1.2.2? I have not found that....)B. create a new compset   contains attributes: DOCN_SSTDATA_FILENAME   DOCN_SSTDATA_YEAR_START/END... Any help and suggestion is highly appreciated!!!  Wanying Kang 


Cecile Hannay
AMWG Liaison
Staff member
Q1: Yes, you need to fill the value over land even if you run the icesst tools. The icesst tools will not fill the land value. The model will crash if there is not value over land.Q2: the icesst tools shoudl give you SST/ice names compatible with CAMOnce you create the SST, you can use an exiting compset and change the SST dataset with DOCN_SSTDATA_FILENAME, ...   DOCN_SSTDATA_YEAR_START/END...


ohmpawat chen
Q1: Yes, you need to fill the value over land even if you run the icesst tools. The icesst tools will not fill the land value. The model will crash if there is not value over land.Q2: the icesst tools shoudl give you SST/ice names compatible with CAMOnce you create the SST, you can use an exiting compset and change the SST dataset with DOCN_SSTDATA_FILENAME, ... DOCN_SSTDATA_YEAR_START/END...
Hello, I encounter a problem when using the icesst tool.When I regrid, it always warnings "NetCDF: Variable not found". But there are SST_cpl and ice_cov in my input file. So I don't know what's wrong. Could you help me?
Attatch the header file of my regrid input file.header file.png