Hi, I am recently trying to change SST to a (4xCO2) case so that I can run WACCM under 4xCO2 consistently.I have gone through many Q&A in the forum, but since that things have changed in the latest CESM1.2.2, I hope some one can give me some advice on my understanding...======I download 4xCO2 SST and SIC(sea ice concentration) data from CMIP5 models.From those data, I need to poisson-interpolate the SST and SIC so that the files have a value on each grid instead of just on the ocean. (Q1: if I use sstice tool, need I still do this?)After this, I should use sstice tools (bcgen®rid) to make my own SST/ICE data. (Q2: If I use this tool, need I still change the variable name etcetc like what people do to make SSTICE input file from a B-compset run?)There are two ways to change SSTA. revise on basis of existed compset (WACCM_SC for instance). If choose A, then I need to revise a lot of things, including stream_domfilename & stream_fldfilename in cice_buildnml.xml and dat_datpath dat_datfile in docn.buildnml.xml and $DIN_LOC_ROOT/ocn/docn7/SSTDATA in docn.buildnml.csh. (Q3: in CESM1.2.2 change the csh file is not allowed (recommended?)? and everything should be changed in xml file? Is there still cice_buildnml.xml file in CESM1.2.2? I have not found that....)B. create a new compset contains attributes: DOCN_SSTDATA_FILENAME DOCN_SSTDATA_YEAR_START/END... Any help and suggestion is highly appreciated!!! Wanying Kang