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Topo data for CAM6 at the 0.25 deg resolution

Hi all,I am trying to run CESM2 using the resolution f02_f02_mg17 (0.23x0.31 deg). It seems that there is no topo data at 0.23x0.31 available for CAM6 under the directory /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/atm/cam/topo. The old USGS_gtopo30_0.23x0.31 topo data cannot be used in CAM6 because of some missing variables, such as TERR_UF, SGH_UF, GBXAR ...Does anyone know what those new variables are? And is it possible to generate a topo file at the resolution of 0.23x0.31?Thank you!-Liang   


Jesse Nusbaumer
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Hi All,

The "f02_f02_mg17" grid is not supported for most compsets (i.e. if you had to use the --run-unsupported flag in create_newcase the grid choice would likely be why). If you need a ~0.25 degree horizontal grid then I would recommend using the spectral element dycore instead, specifically the grid:


However, if you need to use the FV dycore for scientific reasons, then you can likely create your own topo file using a lower-resolution topo file that is already available, and the "interpic" tool, which can found in your CESM source code directory here:


In particular, I would start with the "README" file, which should explain how to use the tool.

Hope that helps, and have a great day!



William Boos
New Member
Thanks Jesse, that is helpful as I did not know the spectral element dycore was better supported at this resolution. I will look into that. I may have gotten a hold of a surface data file that works for the f02_g16 grid.


Sujatra Bhattacharyya
New Member
Hi All,

The "f02_f02_mg17" grid is not supported for most compsets (i.e. if you had to use the --run-unsupported flag in create_newcase the grid choice would likely be why). If you need a ~0.25 degree horizontal grid then I would recommend using the spectral element dycore instead, specifically the grid:


However, if you need to use the FV dycore for scientific reasons, then you can likely create your own topo file using a lower-resolution topo file that is already available, and the "interpic" tool, which can found in your CESM source code directory here:


In particular, I would start with the "README" file, which should explain how to use the tool.

Hope that helps, and have a great day!

I am trying to create a case in CESM2.1.3 with CAM6 with compset F1850 with the resolution (spectral element dycore) you have mentioned. It is showing "ERROR: no alias ne120_ne120_mg17 defined". Am I doing something wrong? What can be done to create the case in this case?