Dear All,
I am unable to create the SCAM in CESM 2, using the following command:
it gives the following error:
I am unable to create the SCAM in CESM 2, using the following command:
./create_newcase --case test_scam_mandatory --compset FSCAM --res T42_T42 --user-mods-dir ../../components/cam/cime_config/usermods_dirs/scam_mandatory
Compset specification file is /home/csp/my_cesm_sandbox/components/cam//cime_config/config_compsets.xml
Automatically adding SIAC to compset
Automatically adding SESP to compset
Compset forcing is 1972-2004
ATM component is CAM cam6 physics:
LND component is clm5.0:Satellite phenology:
ICE component is Sea ICE (cice) model version 5 :prescribed cice
OCN component is DOCN prescribed ocean mode
ROF component is Stub river component
GLC component is Stub glacier (land ice) component
WAV component is Stub wave component
IAC component is Stub iac component
ESP component is Stub external system processing (ESP) component
Pes specification file is /home/csp/my_cesm_sandbox/components/cam//cime_config/config_pes.xml
Compset specific settings: name is RUN_STARTDATE and value is 1997-06-18
Compset specific settings: name is START_TOD and value is 84585
Compset specific settings: name is SSTICE_DATA_FILENAME and value is $DIN_LOC_ROOT/atm/cam/sst/
Compset specific settings: name is PTS_MODE and value is TRUE
Compset specific settings: name is PTS_LAT and value is 36.6
Compset specific settings: name is PTS_LON and value is 262.5
Machine is CSP
Pes setting: grid is a%T42_l%T42_oi%T42_r%null_g%null_w%null_z%null_m%gx1v7
Pes setting: tasks is {'NTASKS_ATM': -1, 'NTASKS_ICE': -1, 'NTASKS_CPL': -1, 'NTASKS_LND': -1, 'NTASKS_WAV': -1, 'NTASKS_ROF': -1, 'NTASKS_OCN': -1, 'NTASKS_GLC': -1}
Pes setting: threads is {'NTHRDS_ICE': 1, 'NTHRDS_ATM': 1, 'NTHRDS_ROF': 1, 'NTHRDS_LND': 1, 'NTHRDS_WAV': 1, 'NTHRDS_OCN': 1, 'NTHRDS_CPL': 1, 'NTHRDS_GLC': 1}
Pes setting: rootpe is {'ROOTPE_OCN': 0, 'ROOTPE_LND': 0, 'ROOTPE_ATM': 0, 'ROOTPE_ICE': 0, 'ROOTPE_WAV': 0, 'ROOTPE_CPL': 0, 'ROOTPE_ROF': 0, 'ROOTPE_GLC': 0}
Pes setting: pstrid is {}
Pes other settings: {}
Pes comments: none
Grid is: a%T42_l%T42_oi%T42_r%null_g%null_w%null_z%null_m%gx1v7
Components in compset are: ['cam', 'clm', 'cice', 'docn', 'srof', 'sglc', 'swav', 'siac', 'sesp']
This is a CESM scientifically supported compset at this resolution.
No project info available
No charge_account info available, using value from PROJECT
cesm model version found: cesm2.2.0
Batch_system_type is none
Creating Case directory /home/csp/my_cesm_sandbox/cime/scripts/test_scam_mandatory
This component includes user_mods /home/csp/my_cesm_sandbox/components/cam//cime_config/usermods_dirs/scam_mandatory
Adding user mods directory /home/csp/my_cesm_sandbox/components/cam/cime_config/usermods_dirs/scam_mandatory
RUN: /home/csp/my_cesm_sandbox/cime/scripts/test_scam_mandatory/shell_commands
FROM: /home/csp/my_cesm_sandbox/cime/scripts/test_scam_mandatory
stat: 2
errput: /home/csp/my_cesm_sandbox/cime/scripts/test_scam_mandatory/shell_commands: 1: Syntax error: "&" unexpected
Failed to setup case, removing /home/csp/my_cesm_sandbox/cime/scripts/test_scam_mandatory
Use --debug to force me to keep caseroot
ERROR: Command: '/home/csp/my_cesm_sandbox/cime/scripts/test_scam_mandatory/shell_commands' failed with error '/home/csp/my_cesm_sandbox/cime/scripts/test_scam_mandatory/shell_commands: 1: Syntax error: "&" unexpected' from dir '/home/csp/my_cesm_sandbox/cime/scripts/test_scam_mandatory'