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Unable to open MODULE file m_mctworld.mod

Hey there,
I am a new guy in the CCSM3. I am trying to install the CCSM3 in an AMD Opteron Cluster with Linux OS. My problem comes up within the first test run. My machine environment, and the error message are:

Machine: IBM AMD Opteron 1350 with Linux
mpi: mvapich 0.9.9
pgi: 7.0-4
Batch: PBS
netCDF: netcdf 3.6.2
Test run:
Pop-up error message:
ERROR: cpl.buildexe.csh failed, see cpl.buildexe.080206-230403
ERROR: cat /cpl/cpl.buildexe.080206-230403
The file of cpl.buildexe.080206-230403 shows:
PGF90-F-0004-Unable to open MODULE file m_mctworld.mod (/ccsm3_0/models/csm_share/cpl/cpl_mct_mod.F90: 37)
PGF90/x86-64 Linux 7.0-4: compilation aborted
gmake: *** [cpl_mct_mod.o] Error 2

Does that mean my mpi or pgi version is too new, so that I have to use the earlier versions to instead? Or, is there any thing I have to notice?
Any advice will be appreciated!
Thank you very much.
Hi Odden,

I'm not a UCAR / CCSM person, but your problem sounds somewhat familiar. Unfortunately I can't remember exactly when I encountered it and how I fixed it, but since there haven't been any other responses yet, here's what I'd say you check:

a) In your env_mach. file, what are the values of EXEROOT, LIBROOT and INCROOT? The latter two are derived from EXEROOT, and INCROOT should point to where m_mctworld.mod is. (For me, this is located in /lib/include )

b) What is the output, from your case directory, of 'find . -name m_mct*' ? For me, it turns up the m_mctworld.mod file in two locations - ./lib/include and ./mct/mct

In the worst case, either send or post (1) your mct/mct.buildlib. file and (2) your env.mach file, and I'll see if I spot anything that's obviously weird.

Anyways, don't get discouraged.. CCSM is complicated, but once you get the kinks worked out, it's generally not too bad!

Good luck,
- Brian
Brian, thank you very much for your reply.:)
I think I figured out the problem. I downloaded the CCSM3 source code from ESG website. The origional version of the MCT (Model Coupling Toolkit) with the CCSM3 released in 2004 is 2.0.1. I upgraded the MCT to 2.3.0 from the MCT home:, and installed it (just follow the instruction at "MCT in CCSM3 help page":
After doing that, this error never shows up in the building process.
Here is the MCT changelog ( showing the MCT Versions and Release Dates.
Hopefully, it helps for other new model guys.