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update dynamic urban extent

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wenru xu
New Member

I would like to do the future prediction by including urban expansion. Is CLM able to update the urban extent by density class during running? if so, where to update it?

Any guidance would be appreciated!




Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
The latest development version of CTSM has that capability. I.e., if you clone CTSM master you will get the code that reads in dynamic urban input datasets from the landuse timeseries file.
However, the dynamic urban input datasets themselves are currently being developed and tested and a manuscript is being written, so the datasets are not yet publicly available.
For more information, see the CESM workshop web page here:

There was a presentation on this capability in the LMWG session ("Implementing a dynamic urban scheme in the Community Earth System Model (CESM)"). You can view that presentation from the NCAR CGD Youtube link.
I will see if I can get a copy of the presentation from the presenter.
You can also contact the presenter for more information.
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