Dear all, I am using CESM1.2.0 with and it is CAM4 with FV core .I want to update U,V,T,Q in atmosphere . So I change code in the routine p_d_coupling in dp_coupling.F90. In this routine,at the end of p_d_coupling,I add: do k = 1,km do j = jfirstxy,jlastxy do i = ifirstxy,ilastxy t3xy(i,j,k) = u3s(i,j,k)= v3s(i,j,k) = tracer(i,j,k,1)= enddo enddo enddoBy this way, U V T Q updated successfully,but PS(surface pressure) declined abnormaly.Why?Is it better to update U V T Q at the begining of p_d_coupling or somewhere else?I hope you can help me figure all this out.Thank you!