I am reading the CLM5.0 Documentation 1.6.3. Running Single Point Configurations — ctsm release-clm5.0 documentation Example: Using CLM_USRDAT_NAME to run a simulation using user datasets for a specific region
In the regional example, only domain and surfdata were replaced with the user datasets. I am wondering to run a regional simulation using the user datasets whether the other inputdata files (the path for default files is /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata) such as PFT physiology and parameter file, snow optical properties and aging parameter files, urban parameter, fire parameter and nitrogen decomposition files should also be replaced ? If so, is there any documentation that guides the generation of these files for a regional run ?
I am reading the CLM5.0 Documentation 1.6.3. Running Single Point Configurations — ctsm release-clm5.0 documentation Example: Using CLM_USRDAT_NAME to run a simulation using user datasets for a specific region
In the regional example, only domain and surfdata were replaced with the user datasets. I am wondering to run a regional simulation using the user datasets whether the other inputdata files (the path for default files is /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata) such as PFT physiology and parameter file, snow optical properties and aging parameter files, urban parameter, fire parameter and nitrogen decomposition files should also be replaced ? If so, is there any documentation that guides the generation of these files for a regional run ?