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Water balance history variables

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Hi all,
I had just tried RAIN-QFLX_EVAP_TOT-QOVER-QRUNOFF over a land gridcell after a CLM5.0 (land only mode) simulation expecting to get 0 but I did not. Obviously there are other history variables I am missing. Can anyone please help me with these variables? Thanks in advance.


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Water balances in the model at each time step according to (see BalanceCheckMod.F90):

errh2o(c) = endwb(c) - begwb(c) &
- (forc_rain_col(c) &
+ forc_snow_col(c) &
+ qflx_floodc(c) &
+ qflx_irrig(c) &
+ qflx_glcice_dyn_water_flux(c) &
- qflx_evap_tot(c) &
- qflx_surf(c) &
- qflx_h2osfc_surf(c) &
- qflx_qrgwl(c) &
- qflx_drain(c) &
- qflx_drain_perched(c) &
- qflx_ice_runoff_snwcp(c) &
- qflx_ice_runoff_xs(c) &
- qflx_snwcp_discarded_liq(c) &
- qflx_snwcp_discarded_ice(c)) * dtime

Most, if not all, of these should be output in a history file, e.g., RAIN is forc_rain.
The begwb and endwb are determined by summing soil water, snow, and surface water (again see the code).
Whether or not you can determine balance from history output is not clear, haven't tried it.
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