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Wet Deposition Fields WR_ and WDR_

I am looking at wet deposition of nitrate (HNO3 and HO2NO2) using cesm1_0_4. (MOZ wet deposition scheme)

The Master Field variables for the history output includes WDR_[species] and WD_[species] (e.g., WD_NOY)
What do these variables mean physically?

I assume WDR_ (with units of /s) is the first order loss rate of a gas phase species resulting from wet deposition processes,
with this rate varying by latitude, longitude, vertical level, and time.

WHAT IS "WD_" WITH UNITS OF kg/s? The rate of loss of mass integrated over a grid column?

Our goal is to use the history variables for loss of gas phase NOy through wet deposition to estimate a "flux rate" of NOy in kg/m^2/s integrated over the entire column.

Thanks for any insight!

(The NEU scheme appears to have tendencies as output variables -- e.g., DTWR_HNO3. Are these forward loss rates? -- similar to, for example, WDR_HNO3*HNO3 in the MOZ scheme?)