Dear scientists of NCAR:
the output variables of CESM, such as
float QFLX_EVAP_TOT(time, lat, lon) ;
QFLX_EVAP_TOT:long_name = "qflx_evap_soi + qflx_evap_can + qflx_tran_veg" ;
QFLX_EVAP_TOT:units = "mm H2O/s" ;
float QSOIL(time, lat, lon) ;
QSOIL:long_name = "Ground evaporation (soil/snow evaporation + soil/snow sublimation - dew)" ;
QSOIL:units = "mm/s" ;
(1) What is the difference of units between mm/s and mmH20/s?
(2) What is the difference of the calculation level between PATCHS and PFTS?
Thanks for your time, and any suggestions are highly appreciated.
the output variables of CESM, such as
float QFLX_EVAP_TOT(time, lat, lon) ;
QFLX_EVAP_TOT:long_name = "qflx_evap_soi + qflx_evap_can + qflx_tran_veg" ;
QFLX_EVAP_TOT:units = "mm H2O/s" ;
float QSOIL(time, lat, lon) ;
QSOIL:long_name = "Ground evaporation (soil/snow evaporation + soil/snow sublimation - dew)" ;
QSOIL:units = "mm/s" ;
(1) What is the difference of units between mm/s and mmH20/s?
(2) What is the difference of the calculation level between PATCHS and PFTS?
Thanks for your time, and any suggestions are highly appreciated.