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What is the flow of the POP2 model

Hi, Now I am using POP2 model in CESM1_2_0. There is a question puzzles me for a long time. How does POP2 model run? What is the flow of the model? I think the first step should be initialization. And then the model will integrate.  I do not know whether there is a main program that would show the whole process for model running. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.zhixiong


There are three basic phases of the CESM component models: initialize, run, and finalize. 
If you want to look at the CESM POP2 code, a good place to start is with$CCSMROOT/models/ocn/pop2/drivers/cpl_mct/ocn_comp_mct.F90  (init, run, & finalize)$CCSMROOT/models/ocn/pop2/source/step_mod.F90 (run)