Jinpeng Lu
New Member
AODvstrt's longname is Stratospheric Aerosol Optical Depth in visible band. I want to know the definition of visible band,
Is it a wavelength or a sum of wavelengths?
Is it a wavelength or a sum of wavelengths?
Thanks, I found this one file with the relevant calculations. tau sums the AOD representing the visible bands of the stratosphere, and one of the variables here is nswbands, which I think is a numerical value. But I didn't find a specific value for this variable, so I can't know the range of visible light, for example the AOD at 997nm, or perhaps the AOD in the range 400-850nm.Hi,
You can find the relevant calculations in $CAM/src/physics/cam/aer_rad_props.F90.
AODvstrt is calculated asCode:sum(tau(i,:troplev(i)))
Where the tau array is defined as "aerosol optical depth for the visible band"
Hope that helps.