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what mistake I made in adiabatic test

Hello, everybady

I run a adiabatic test use CAM2 with lower boundary are land everywhere. I set landm=1, landfrac=1, sgh=0 and phis=0 in I also set landmask=1 and landfrac=1 in land surface data file.I find ts(surface temperature) in camrun.cam2.ho.*****.nc are 0 everywhere. I don't know the reason for that and how correct it? What and how should I do if I want to run adiabatic test? What else should I do except that setting adiabatic=.true.?


lau said:
Hello, everybady

I run a adiabatic test use CAM2 with lower boundary are land everywhere. I set landm=1, landfrac=1, sgh=0 and phis=0 in I also set landmask=1 and landfrac=1 in land surface data file.I find ts(surface temperature) in camrun.cam2.ho.*****.nc are 0 everywhere. I don't know the reason for that and how correct it? What and how should I do if I want to run adiabatic test? What else should I do except that setting adiabatic=.true.?

Traditionally, "adiabatic" referred to running the atmosphere in stand-alone mode
with no diabatic sources/sinks. So the model run in adiabatic mode should have
no connection with land or ocean (except I think topography is still affecting the
simulation. For practical purposes "adiabatic" mode is a test
of the dynamical core itself and nothing else. I do not know if there is any "easy" way
to fold the land into such a test. The reason you are seeing 0 everywhere is because
the land is not being run at all, I believe.


lau said:
Hello, everybady

I run a adiabatic test use CAM2 with lower boundary are land everywhere. I set landm=1, landfrac=1, sgh=0 and phis=0 in I also set landmask=1 and landfrac=1 in land surface data file.I find ts(surface temperature) in camrun.cam2.ho.*****.nc are 0 everywhere. I don't know the reason for that and how correct it? What and how should I do if I want to run adiabatic test? What else should I do except that setting adiabatic=.true.?

Traditionally, "adiabatic" referred to running the atmosphere in stand-alone mode
with no diabatic sources/sinks. So the model run in adiabatic mode should have
no connection with land or ocean (except I think topography is still affecting the
simulation). For practical purposes "adiabatic" mode is a test
of the dynamical core itself and nothing else. I do not know if there is any "easy" way
to fold the land into such a test. The reason you are seeing 0 everywhere is because
the land is not being run at all, I believe.