New Member
Dear allI got a running error when I ran cesm1_0_4 with pgi10.6 and openmpi3.1.0. Here's the error message in the ccsm.log.Opened existing file /home/export/base/nsccwuxi_nuist/zhub/online1/cesm/cesm1_0_4/../FSDCHM/lnd/clm2/griddata/ 2686976 Opened existing file /home/export/base/nsccwuxi_nuist/zhub/online1/cesm/cesm1_0_4/../FSDCHM/lnd/clm2/surfdata/ 2621440 proc= 1 beg atmcell = 237 end atmcell = 472 total atmcells per proc = 236 proc= 1 atm ngseg = 786 atm nlseg = 35 proc= 1 nclumps = 1
proc= 11 beg atmcell = 2597 end atmcell = 2832 total atmcells per proc = 236 proc= 11 atm ngseg = 786 atm nlseg = 35 proc= 11 nclumps = 1
proc= 22 beg atmcell = 5193 end atmcell = 5428 total atmcells per proc = 236 proc= 22 atm ngseg = 786 atm nlseg = 33 proc= 22 nclumps = 1
proc= 23 beg atmcell = 5429 end atmcell = 5663 total atmcells per proc = 235 proc= 23 atm ngseg = 786 atm nlseg = 33 proc= 23 nclumps = 1[cn060952:18832] *** Process received signal ***[cn060952:18827] *** Process received signal ***[cn060952:18827] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)[cn060952:18827] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)[cn060952:18827] Failing at address: (nil)[cn060952:18829] *** Process received signal ***[cn060952:18829] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)[cn060952:18829] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)[cn060952:18829] Failing at address: (nil)However, when I set the ‘DEBUG=TRUE’ in the env_build.xml, the model ran successfully.Here are my quesitions.(1) What settings in cesm are changed when I set "DEBUG=TRUE" in env_build.xml?[/b](2) How can I run the model without running error when I turn off the DEBUG in the [/b]env_build.xml?[/b]Thanks in advanceMay F
proc= 11 beg atmcell = 2597 end atmcell = 2832 total atmcells per proc = 236 proc= 11 atm ngseg = 786 atm nlseg = 35 proc= 11 nclumps = 1
proc= 22 beg atmcell = 5193 end atmcell = 5428 total atmcells per proc = 236 proc= 22 atm ngseg = 786 atm nlseg = 33 proc= 22 nclumps = 1
proc= 23 beg atmcell = 5429 end atmcell = 5663 total atmcells per proc = 235 proc= 23 atm ngseg = 786 atm nlseg = 33 proc= 23 nclumps = 1[cn060952:18832] *** Process received signal ***[cn060952:18827] *** Process received signal ***[cn060952:18827] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)[cn060952:18827] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)[cn060952:18827] Failing at address: (nil)[cn060952:18829] *** Process received signal ***[cn060952:18829] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)[cn060952:18829] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)[cn060952:18829] Failing at address: (nil)However, when I set the ‘DEBUG=TRUE’ in the env_build.xml, the model ran successfully.Here are my quesitions.(1) What settings in cesm are changed when I set "DEBUG=TRUE" in env_build.xml?[/b](2) How can I run the model without running error when I turn off the DEBUG in the [/b]env_build.xml?[/b]Thanks in advanceMay F