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Where are located the default values for NTASKS for each component


Toni Viudez

Because it is possible to change the NTASKS for each component using the ./xmlchange such as:

./xmlchange NTASKS_ATM=4
./xmlchange NTASKS_CPL=4
./xmlchange NTASKS_OCN=4
./xmlchange NTASKS_WAV=4
./xmlchange NTASKS_GLC=4
./xmlchange NTASKS_ICE=4
./xmlchange NTASKS_ROF=4
./xmlchange NTASKS_LND=4
./xmlchange NTASKS_ESP=4
./xmlchange NTASKS_IAC=4

Where in the CESM is located the default values?.

Thanks in advance


Bill Sacks
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
The default values are distributed in different places in files named config_pes.xml. You can find all of these files by running find . -name config_pes.xml from the root of your CESM checkout.

For example, for fully-coupled (B) compsets, the settings are in cime_config/config_pes.xml, for atmosphere-land (F) compsets, the settings are in components/cam/cime_config/config_pes.xml, for ocean-only compsets, the settings are in components/pop/cime_config/config_pes.xml, etc. In all of these cases, there are different defaults depending on things like the resolution.