Hi,I have used the file for a simulation that was based on the LENS release tag: http://www.cesm.ucar.edu/projects/community-projects/LENS/This is a 1degx1deg CAM5 version. However, the file had to be manipulated for me to apply this for this version of the model, since it requires the mass mixing ratio of SO4 in a specific format.If you want to run that case, the attached file woudl work this way (it is defined for the year 2040-2079), for example:&prescribed_volcaero_nl
prescribed_volcaero_datapath = ....
prescribed_volcaero_file = 'geomip_ccmi_2020-2071_volc_v3_h2so4_mass_flipped_new_strat.nc'
prescribed_volcaero_cycle_yr = 2042
prescribed_volcaero_type = 'CYCLICAL'
prescribed_volcaero_fixed_ymd = 0
/you may also have to modify the radiation:rad_climate = 'A:Q:H2O', 'N:O2:O2', 'N:CO2:CO2', 'N:ozone:O3', 'N:N2O:N2O', 'N:CH4:CH4', 'N:CFC11:CFC11',
rad_diag_1 = 'A:Q:H2O', 'N:O2:O2', 'N:CO2:CO2', 'N:ozone:O3','N:N2O:N2O', 'N:CH4:CH4', 'N:CFC11:CFC11','N:CFC12:CFC12',