I installed the latest version of CAM from GitHub - ESCOMP/CAM: Community Atmosphere Model, but I can't build it right now as the CISM module needs a specific grid (gland20 or gland4 instead of gris4). I don't understand why I have to worry about the ice grid when I'm using CAM. Could you please help me understand this? Also I'm not sure which one of these options (gland4 or gland20) are better to use.
The command I used to create is: ./create_newcase --case ../../cases/ERAi_ndg_movmtn_on --compset FWscHIST --res f09_f09_mg17 --walltime 10:00:00 --mach derecho --project XXXX --compiler intel
I'm grateful for any kind of insight.
Thank you,
I installed the latest version of CAM from GitHub - ESCOMP/CAM: Community Atmosphere Model, but I can't build it right now as the CISM module needs a specific grid (gland20 or gland4 instead of gris4). I don't understand why I have to worry about the ice grid when I'm using CAM. Could you please help me understand this? Also I'm not sure which one of these options (gland4 or gland20) are better to use.
The command I used to create is: ./create_newcase --case ../../cases/ERAi_ndg_movmtn_on --compset FWscHIST --res f09_f09_mg17 --walltime 10:00:00 --mach derecho --project XXXX --compiler intel
I'm grateful for any kind of insight.
Thank you,