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why don't resubmit?

I am running CCSM3.0 on my PCcluster which has 24 nodes with 2 cpus. The OS is redhat linux7.3. I can run it successfully when resubmit is 0 and STOP_OTPION is random. When resubmit is 3 (>0), the STOP_OPTION is ndays and STOP_N is 5 (maybe must 0) and the STOP_OPITON is nmonths ( or monthly, yearly), the runing will stop after running one time.
I found there one executable file (e.g. cpl) disappear on one node, while other runtime of executable files are all zero.
why? please help!


Rich Neale
CAM Project Scientist
Staff member

CCSM3 resubmission is controlled by the RESUBMIT environmental variable which is checked after the end of each run to see if is > 0 requiring a resubmit. This process is very visible from the .run output and you should see what value of RESUBMIT the run script is seeing. If you still have questions send me your output file.
