I am checking the respiration code in src/biogeochem/CNVegCarbonFluxType.F90
For the soil respiration starting at line 4547 in CNVegCarbonFluxType.F90
Why the live coarse root respiration livecroot_mr_patch(p) is not included in the calculation of root respiration above? Am I missing something ?
I am using the version with the tag as PPE.n01_ctsm5.1.dev012.
I am checking the respiration code in src/biogeochem/CNVegCarbonFluxType.F90
For the soil respiration starting at line 4547 in CNVegCarbonFluxType.F90
where the root respiration is coded starting at line 4197:this%sr_col(c) = &
this%rr_col(c) + &
this%rr_patch(p) = &
this%froot_mr_patch(p) + &
this%cpool_froot_gr_patch(p) + &
this%cpool_livecroot_gr_patch(p) + &
this%cpool_deadcroot_gr_patch(p) + &
this%transfer_froot_gr_patch(p) + &
this%transfer_livecroot_gr_patch(p) + &
this%transfer_deadcroot_gr_patch(p) + &
this%cpool_froot_storage_gr_patch(p) + &
this%cpool_livecroot_storage_gr_patch(p) + &
Why the live coarse root respiration livecroot_mr_patch(p) is not included in the calculation of root respiration above? Am I missing something ?
I am using the version with the tag as PPE.n01_ctsm5.1.dev012.