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Turn off the BGC, but appeared some errors

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Jie Hsu

Jie Hsu
New Member
I replaced the original B1850 long name: 1850_CAM60_CLM50%BGC-CROP_CICE_POP2%ECO%ABIO-DIC_MOSART_CISM2%NOEVOLVE_WW3_BGC%BDRD with 1850_CAM60_CLM50%SP_CICE_POP2%ECO%ABIO-DIC_MOSART_CISM2%NOEVOLVE_WW3_BGC%BDRD. The main goal was to disable BGC. However, the following error occurred:


Can anyone help to solve this problem? Thank you!


Staff member
The error says that the model expects cft = 2 but finds cft = 64.
For the version of the model that you are running, I think you need to point to 16pft fsurdat/landuse files in SP runs, rather than the 78pft files needed by BGC-CROP runs. The 16pft files have 2 crop types and the 78pft files have 64 crop types.

Jie Hsu

Jie Hsu
New Member
The error says that the model expects cft = 2 but finds cft = 64.
For the version of the model that you are running, I think you need to point to 16pft fsurdat/landuse files in SP runs, rather than the 78pft files needed by BGC-CROP runs. The 16pft files have 2 crop types and the 78pft files have 64 crop types.
Thank you.

I used component set "1850_CAM60_CLM50%CN_CICE_POP2%ECO%ABIO-DIC_MOSART_CISM2%NOEVOLVE_WW3_BGC%BDRD" with "flanduse_timeseries = '/work1/u7719052/surf_data/'". It works!
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