Hello, my research group is looking to port CTSM or CLM. I have successfully ported CESM 2.1.5 to our HPC but it does not give us all the functionality we are looking for. We need the ability to do spin ups, as well as restarts in single point mode. Based on the demo found here, we need access to the tools for creating input datasets found in $CTSM/tools. Based on the README in that directory, it looks like any version after ctsm5.1.dev158 should be fine? So would the latest ctsm5.3.012 tag work for our purposes?
Any advice is appreciated. I should be able to make any version work with our HPC. It's just a matter of narrowing down the version I need to focus on so I can work with our HPC system administrators.
Any advice is appreciated. I should be able to make any version work with our HPC. It's just a matter of narrowing down the version I need to focus on so I can work with our HPC system administrators.