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How to get extended prescribed SST data


Hi everyone, i am using FHIST compset, trying to do simulation in year 2021. However, the default prescribed SST data only has time range from 1850 to 2017.

Is there any way i can download SST of 2021 for initiation? I notice that is produced according to Hurrell et al. [2008]Chapter 3. Input datasets). I tried to download data from Dataset: Merged Hadley-OI sea surface temperature and sea ice concentration data set., but i find the variable is named "Sea surface temperature" , which is different from "BCS Pseudo SST" in

Can anyone tell me how to download or make prescribed SST data of 2021 for F compset?


Adam Phillips
CVCWG Liaison
Staff member
Last edited:


The datasets provided here: Dataset: Merged Hadley-OI sea surface temperature and sea ice concentration data set are the raw SST/ice datasets. One needs to use (what we call) the diddling software on the datasets to prepare them to be forcings in F-compset simulations. In this case, we have already diddled the datasets. I have copied the data file you are looking for to here: (735MB)
Thanks a lot! Does the "diddling software" refer to /CESM/components/cam/tools/icesst?


Adam Phillips
CVCWG Liaison
Staff member
Yes. The diddling software is older and can be hard to run (depending on the system). As that is the case, I thought it best to provide you with the diddled file as we already had it.


Yes. The diddling software is older and can be hard to run (depending on the system). As that is the case, I thought it best to provide you with the diddled file as we already had it.
Hi Phillips ! Could you please provide the latest file including the SST for period 1850-2023 or 1850-2024?


Yes. The diddling software is older and can be hard to run (depending on the system). As that is the case, I thought it best to provide you with the diddled file as we already had it.
I just saw this post PCMDI-SST vs. HadOIBl-SST . It seems that there is no available sst_HadOIBl_bc data file for the period beyond 2022. Is there an alternative file for the year 2023 that can be used? The Merged Hadley-OI Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Ice Concentration dataset also only provides SST data up to 2022.


New Member
Hi Adam,
I found that the CAM6 Prescribed SST AMIP Ensembles performed by CVCWG were forced by ERSST. May I ask why was ERSST used but not HadOIBI-SST? If I want to use ERSST as forcing of the FHIST experiment, what should I do to transfer it to a CAM6 forcing file?



Adam Phillips
CVCWG Liaison
Staff member
The Climate Variability and Change Working Group (CVCWG) started using ERSST due to inconsistencies seen in early 20th century Tropical Pacific HadISST values compared to other un-interpolated observational datasets. See Deser, C., A. S. Phillips, and M. A. Alexander, 2010: Twentieth Century Tropical Sea Surface Temperature Trends Revisited. Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L10701, doi:10.1029/2010GL043321. Note that this should not be seen as an endorsement of the ERSST datasets being used over HadISST; it was simply a choice made by CVCWG leadership at the time based on the research questions that members were interested in exploring.

The ERSSTv5 data used in recent prescribed SST experiments can be found here:
This file runs through mid-January 2022 and uses HadISST ice data.

If you want to create your own sst/ice forcing files, they need to look a very specific way in preparation to be run through the regridding/time diddling routines. See this thread. Of particular note, the sst/ice forcing files need to have variables, attributes, time units, look like these files:
The expected format is:


New Member
The Climate Variability and Change Working Group (CVCWG) started using ERSST due to inconsistencies seen in early 20th century Tropical Pacific HadISST values compared to other un-interpolated observational datasets. See Deser, C., A. S. Phillips, and M. A. Alexander, 2010: Twentieth Century Tropical Sea Surface Temperature Trends Revisited. Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L10701, doi:10.1029/2010GL043321. Note that this should not be seen as an endorsement of the ERSST datasets being used over HadISST; it was simply a choice made by CVCWG leadership at the time based on the research questions that members were interested in exploring.

The ERSSTv5 data used in recent prescribed SST experiments can be found here:
This file runs through mid-January 2022 and uses HadISST ice data.

If you want to create your own sst/ice forcing files, they need to look a very specific way in preparation to be run through the regridding/time diddling routines. See this thread. Of particular note, the sst/ice forcing files need to have variables, attributes, time units, look like these files:
Thanks a lot!
Unfortunately, I don't have an NCAR account. It would be great if you could share the files through other download methods.