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cesm1.2.2 installation


Jiyuan Yin
Hi, everyone! Due to some special computing requirements, I need to use the old version cesm1.2.2. But I can't download the installation package.
I filled out a registration request on the CESM official website, but the website keeps reporting errors. As shown below:

May I ask why this is? Thank you.


Bill Sacks
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
I have forwarded this to the help desk that maintains this to see if they can solve this issue.
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Joseph O'Neill
Staff member

While our web engineer (Ryan) is out on PTO this week, I believe that I've resolved this on our system/webserver. Would you mind trying to register again and letting us know if that did the trick?

Joseph O'Neill
Last edited:
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Jiyuan Yin

While our web engineer (Ryan) is out on PTO this week, I believe that I've resolved this on our system/webserver. Would you mind trying to register again and letting us know if that did the trick?

Joseph O'Neill
I'm sorry for only seeing your reply now. I just tried to register again and it showed successful. Thank you very much for your help!
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Montasir Maruf
I also need to use cesm 1.2.2 on derecho but the older download instruction does not work. Could you please provide me the latest download instruction? Thanks!
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Montasir Maruf
Thank you @yinjiyuan for you reply. While downloading, I encountered the following error (screenshot attached). I was wondering if this error is nomral. Did you also encounter this type of error?

Thanks! Capture.PNG
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Montasir Maruf
@yinjiyuan these are the errors I got. Did the following repository work for you?

svn: warning: W205011: Error handling externals definition for 'cesm1_2_2/models/utils/mct':
svn: warning: W170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL ''
svn: warning: W205011: Error handling externals definition for 'cesm1_2_2/models/utils/pio':
svn: warning: W170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL ''
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Bill Sacks
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
I'm seeing the following issues when I try:

I think these may cause real problems (at least the first two):

svn: warning: W205011: Error handling externals definition for 'cesm1_2_2/models/utils/mct':
svn: warning: W170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL ''

svn: warning: W205011: Error handling externals definition for 'cesm1_2_2/models/utils/pio':
svn: warning: W170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL ''

svn: warning: W170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL ''

I think this can be ignored:

svn: warning: W205011: Error handling externals definition for 'cesm1_2_2/scripts/ccsm_utils/CMake':
svn: warning: W170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL ''

I think this can be ignored unless you're running a case with CISM:

svn: warning: W170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL ''

I think this can be ignored unless you're running a case with the SE dycore (e.g., ne30 resolution):

svn: warning: W170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL ''

I will ask around to see if anyone has successfully obtained CESM1.2 recently, but since this is no longer a supported model version, it may not be possible for us to get all of the needed components available again.
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CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Affected Releases CESM1.0.z
Affected Releases CESM1.1.z
Affected Releases CESM1.2.z Googlecode repositories are now off line and the pio and genf90 components of older cesm versions can no longer resolve. We are very sorry for the inconvenience. Here are the changes that you needsubstitute the version numbers in your version for the ones below:In the tools/cprnc/SVN_EXTERNAL_DIRECTORIES change:-genf90
+genf90 In the top level SVN_EXTERNAL_DIRECTORIES change:-models/utils/pio
+models/utils/pio After each of the above changes run$ svn propset svn:externals -F SVN_EXTERNAL_DIRECTORIES .$ svn update
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Bill Sacks
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Thanks for that post @jedwards !

And that reminds me of the issue with the MCT external - that the svn GitHub bridge no longer works. A simple fix for that one is:

cd models/utils
git clone -b compiler_fixes_n04_MCT_2.8.3
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Montasir Maruf
Affected Releases CESM1.0.z
Affected Releases CESM1.1.z
Affected Releases CESM1.2.z Googlecode repositories are now off line and the pio and genf90 components of older cesm versions can no longer resolve. We are very sorry for the inconvenience. Here are the changes that you needsubstitute the version numbers in your version for the ones below:In the tools/cprnc/SVN_EXTERNAL_DIRECTORIES change:-genf90
+genf90 In the top level SVN_EXTERNAL_DIRECTORIES change:-models/utils/pio
+models/utils/pio After each of the above changes run$ svn propset svn:externals -F SVN_EXTERNAL_DIRECTORIES .$ svn update
Thank you @jedwards for your continuous support! I have added the following line:

in my SVN_EXTERNAL_DIRECTORIES and then use this command: run$ svn propset svn:externals -F SVN_EXTERNAL_DIRECTORIES .$ svn update

Looks like there is some error and not working. Is this the right way to pull pio codes?
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New Member
I encountered the same issue, but solved it mainly according to above answers by sacks and jedwards. Share the experience incase someone need it.


The warning occurs from the very first step to svn cesm1.2.2 to local sever.
svn co --username guestuser --password friendly cesm1_2_2
svn: warning: W170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL ''

svn: warning: W170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL ''
svn: warning: W170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL ''

svn: warning: W205011: Error handling externals definition for 'cesm1_2_2/models/utils/mct':
svn: warning: W170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL ''
svn: warning: W205011: Error handling externals definition for 'cesm1_2_2/models/utils/pio':
svn: warning: W170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL ''

svn: warning: W205011: Error handling externals definition for 'cesm1_2_2/scripts/ccsm_utils/CMake':
svn: warning: W170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL ''

(1) genf90
cd cesm1_2_2/tools/cprnc
tar -xvf genf90_140121.tar.gz
mv genf90_140121 genf90

(2) seacism_cesm
As sacks mentioned: it can be ignored unless you're running a case with the SE dycore (e.g., ne30 resolution)

(3) mct and pio
Manually download them and then uploaded to your sever: MCT-compiler_fixes_n04_MCT_2.8.3.tar.gz and ParallelIO-pio1_8_12.tar.gz
cd cesm1_2_2/models/utils/
tar -xvf MCT-compiler_fixes_n04_MCT_2.8.3.tar.gz
mv MCT-compiler_fixes_n04_MCT_2.8.3 mct
mv ParallelIO-pio1_8_12/pio ./
cd cesm1_2_2/models/utils/
git clone -b compiler_fixes_n04_MCT_2.8.3 GitHub - quantheory/MCT: Model Coupling Toolkit
git clone -b pio1_8_12 GitHub - NCAR/ParallelIO: A high-level Parallel I/O Library for structured grid applications
mv MCT mct
mv ParallelIO/pio ./
the second way is ok for downloading other github files
[utils]$ tree -d
├── esmf_wrf_timemgr
│ └── unittests
├── mct
│ ├── m4
│ ├── mct
│ ├── mpeu
│ └── mpi-serial
├── pio
└── timing
Noting that the directory of mct and pio are somewhat different. If you ignore the pio issue, it may pop up errors like:
cesm1_2_2/models/csm_share/shr/shr_pcdf_mod.F90(32): error #7002: Error in opening the compiled module file. Check INCLUDE paths. [PIO]

(4) CMake
cd cesm1_2_2/scripts/ccsm_utils/
tar -xvf CMake_Fortran_utils_140314.tar.gz
mv CMake_Fortran_utils-CMake_Fortran_utils_140314 CMake

Second, Porting
As jedwards pointed out that is not set up to handle seperate netcdf c and fortran directories so you may need to create a directory tree that links the installed libs into something that will make sence to the build, that is create netcdf/lib and netcdf/include directories, from these lnk the files from the netcdf-c and netcdf-fortran directories and set netcdf to that newly created directory. in NETCDF issue when porting to a new machine.
mkdir -p cesm1_2_2/cesm_env
cd cesm1_2_2/cesm_env
rsync -auv YOUR_DIR/netcdf-fortran-4.5.2/* ./
rsync -auv YOUR_DIR/netcdf-c-4.9.2/* ./
rsync -auv YOUR_DIR/hdf5-1.14.1-2/* ./
Copy their lib and include to cesm_env/
[cesm_env]$ tree -d
├── bin
├── cmake
├── include
├── lib
│ └── pkgconfig
├── mod
│ ├── shared
│ └── static
├── plugins
└── share
└── man
├── man1
└── man3

Then assign the NETCDF_PATH with cesm_env in cesm1_2_2/scripts/ccsm_utils/Machines/config_compilers.xml or export NETCDF_PATH to cesm_env
<ADD_SLIBS>-L~/cesm1_2_2/cesm_env/lib -lnetcdff</ADD_SLIBS>

If NOT move netcdf-f, netcdf-fortran (and/or hdf5) together, it may shows warning/error when building:
WARNING: did not find netcdf fortran library
NETCDF built with hdf5 MPIIO support
-- Found HDF5: hdf5-shared (found version "1.14.1") found components: C HL
-- Adding hdf5 libraries
-- Could NOT find NETCDF (missing: NETCDF_Fortran_LIBRARY)

Third, cesm_setup
syntax error at cesm1_2_2/models/drv/bld/build-namelist line 784, near "$model qw(cpl atm lnd ice ocn glc rof wav)"
Can't redeclare "my" in "my" at cesm1_2_2/models/drv/bld/build-namelist line 787, near "my"
Global symbol "$model" requires explicit package name (did you forget to declare "my $model"?) at cesm1_2_2/models/drv/bld/build-namelist line 787.
Execution of cesm1_2_2/models/drv/bld/build-namelist aborted due to compilation errors.
ERROR: cpl.buildnml.csh failed
ERROR: cesm1_2_2/run/fixed560_a/preview_namelists failed: 25344
Again, jedwards solved it in error in producing namelist
you can fix the perl issues by adding a new set of parenthesis around the qw() function so:
go to cesm1_2_2/models/drv/bld/build-namelist around line 787, then
$model qw(cpl atm lnd ice ocn glc rof wav)
$model (qw(cpl atm lnd ice ocn glc rof wav))​

Fourth, submitting
./Tools/ccsm_getenv: line 11: syntax error near unexpected token `('
./Tools/ccsm_getenv: line 11: `foreach i (env_case.xml env_build.xml env_run.xml env_mach_pes.xml env_test.xml)'
As alberto_sadde pointed out in ccsm_getenv error with I_TEST_2003 in cesm1_0_4
You will need to run the script using csh
Modify YOUR_CASE.submit to
cat > templar <<EOF
# ${BATCHSUBMIT} ./${CASE}.run
csh ./${CASE}.run
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New Member
I encountered the same issue, but solved it mainly according to above answers by sacks and jedwards. Share the experience incase someone need it.


The warning occurs from the very first step to svn cesm1.2.2 to local sever.
svn co --username guestuser --password friendly cesm1_2_2

(1) genf90

(2) seacism_cesm
As sacks mentioned: it can be ignored unless you're running a case with the SE dycore (e.g., ne30 resolution)

(3) mct and pio


the second way is ok for downloading other github files

Noting that the directory of mct and pio are somewhat different. If you ignore the pio issue, it may pop up errors like:

(4) CMake

Second, Porting
As jedwards pointed out that is not set up to handle seperate netcdf c and fortran directories so you may need to create a directory tree that links the installed libs into something that will make sence to the build, that is create netcdf/lib and netcdf/include directories, from these lnk the files from the netcdf-c and netcdf-fortran directories and set netcdf to that newly created directory. in NETCDF issue when porting to a new machine.

Copy their lib and include to cesm_env/

Then assign the NETCDF_PATH with cesm_env in cesm1_2_2/scripts/ccsm_utils/Machines/config_compilers.xml or export NETCDF_PATH to cesm_env

If NOT move netcdf-f, netcdf-fortran (and/or hdf5) together, it may shows warning/error when building:

Third, cesm_setup

Again, jedwards solved it in error in producing namelist
you can fix the perl issues by adding a new set of parenthesis around the qw() function so:

Fourth, submitting

As alberto_sadde pointed out in ccsm_getenv error with I_TEST_2003 in cesm1_0_4
You will need to run the script using csh
Modify YOUR_CASE.submit to
Hi, first of all thanks for the solution you provided, may I ask how to solve these two problems that still exist after the third step csm_setup modification qw()?
ERROR: pop2.buildnml.csh failed
ERROR: ../cesm1_2_2/scripts/test1/preview_namelists failed: 25344
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