Scheduled Downtime
On Tuesday 24 October 2023 @ 5pm MT the forums will be in read only mode in preparation for the downtime. On Wednesday 25 October 2023 @ 5am MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online later in the morning.
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  1. Y

    F2000climo stops when initializing the CLM calling shr_dmodel_mapSet for remap

    Hi! I am running the F2000climo compset with gird f19_f19_mg17 on HPC. After submission, the running stops when initializing the CLM component: cpl log: (seq_mct_drv) : Initialize each component: atm, lnd, rof, ocn, ice, glc, wav, esp, iac (component_init_cc:mct) : Initialize component atm...
  2. A


    Dear all, I am currently evaluating two SST datasets, HadOIBl-SST and PCMDI-SST. While PCMDI-SST was based on observational data and explicitly designed for AMIP runs, I noticed that CESM2 predominantly uses the HadOIBl-SST dataset. I looked at both datasets, and the most significant...
  3. A

    TOGA / GOGA SST files

    Dear all, I am looking for the SST forcing files for TOGA and GOGA experiments, I can't find them on Derecho (If there are any), can anyone tell me? I need them for spatial analysis purpose, thanks a lot!
  4. A

    AMIP restart files on Derecho

    I noticed that there are 10 ensemble members for the CESM CMIP6-AMIP runs: from CMIP6-AMIP.001 to CMIP6-AMIP.010. However, I could only find the 001 and 010 on Derecho but couldn't locate the restart files for ensemble members 002 through 009. Could anyone please guide me on where I can find...
  5. A

    looking for AMIP restart files

    I am looking for some simulations and restart files: the FHIST or AMIP simulations with prescribed SST, running from 1850 to the 21st century. I can only find such simulations starting from 1950 to 2014. And I am unsure whether there are any simulations as requested, but any suggestions/help...
  6. K

    Questions about the CMIP6-AMIP 001-010

    I have some questions regarding the f.e21.FHIST_BGC.f09_f09_mg17.CMIP6-AMIP.0XX experiment series (001 to 010). What are the differences between the outputs and setups? They use the same F compset, but what other conditions were applied differently? As for the SST Inputs, are they all using...
  7. Y

    Issue with Interpic_new

    Hi, I'm trying to interpret my cam initial condition from f09_f09 to f02_f02. I successfully make the executable interpic_new in cam tools. And also add the vertical layers to my template file as following cp ncks -vhyai,hyam,hybi,hybm...
  8. S

    AMIP HadISST boundary conditions issue

    Hi, We are doing an AMIP run with HadISST lower boundary conditions in CAM6. However, a few minutes after submitting the case the run aborts. The log file says that something is going wrong with the time interpolation: 2: ERROR: (shr_tInterp_getFactors) itime2 < itime1 The error is coming...
  9. T

    A problem with CESM2 cmip6 outputs

    Hi everyone, recently I'm analyzing the output data of CESM2 for CMIP6 AMIP experiments. There're 3 ensemble members, and the magnitude of precipitation flux in r1i1p1f1 is about 10^-9 kg m-2 s-1 while 10^-4 kg m-2 s-1 in the other two ensemble members. It seems that the results of r2i1p1f1 and...