Scheduled Downtime
On Tuesday 24 October 2023 @ 5pm MT the forums will be in read only mode in preparation for the downtime. On Wednesday 25 October 2023 @ 5am MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online later in the morning.
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  1. R

    How to change the anthropogenic PM2.5 inventory in cesm?

    I wanna konw how to change the anthropogenic PM2.5 inventory in cesm, what are the steps and where I can find the guidance? Thanks
  2. N

    adding new aerosol types

    Hi everyone, I'm an undergrad student looking to add new aerosol types to CESM for solar geoengineering studies, specifically those that don’t already exist within the model. I’ve been exploring the files under cam/src/chemistry/modal_aero and I’m considering modifying the MAM to incorporate...
  3. W

    The combination of CAM6 and MOZART chemical mechanism

    Hi, I am using the CESM 2.1.3. If I want to use the HIST component set that combines cam6 with the mozart chemical mechanism, do I use the compset FHIST and set CAM_CONFIG_OPTS=-chem trop_mozart or do I use FCHIST and change to CAM_CONFIG_OPTS=-chem trop_mozart? Sincerely hope to get your...
  4. W

    Missing MERRA2_ne30_32L inputdata

    Hi there, I am currently using CESM2.3.ahpha17d with the CAM tag set to cam6_3_144, the compset as FCnudged, and the resolution set to ne30_ne30_mg17. During the check inputdata phase, I encountered an issue where the data MERRA2_ne30_32L is missing. I have checked the repository at...
  5. Z

    Black Carbon concentration in CAM6

    I am new to CESM, when I run the CESM2.1.3 and the output of black carbon is confusing for me. There are bc_a1 and bc_a4, also bc_c1, so what the meaning of them? If I want to calculate the bc concentration, is the sum of bc_a1 and bc_a4? The units of bc_a1 is kg/kg, so how to convert it to...
  6. nuvolet

    Update emissions inventories for runs beyond 2015

    Greetings, I am trying to make some tests to make runs for years beyond 2015 using CESM2.2 (CAM6.3). I need to get updated emissions inventories because the ones my CESM2.2 is using are from CMIP6 (1849-2015). Anybody knows where could I find and update of this file...
  7. R

    How to calculate so4_a1 and so4_a2?

    I want to replace the default SO2 emission with my own SO2 emissions in F2000climo. The sulfate emis = SO2_emis * 0.025. What are the proportions of so4_a1 and so4_a2 in the total sulfate emissions, respectively? I really need the help.
  8. X

    Questions about tutorial of CAM.

    Hi, In the chapter 9.5 of CAM tutorial says: Removing species from modes requires us to create new mode definitions. Using black carbon as a specific example, we see from the default definitions of the trop_mam4 modes that black carbon is contained in mam4_mode1 and mam4_mode4.The best way to...