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On Tuesday 24 October 2023 @ 5pm MT the forums will be in read only mode in preparation for the downtime. On Wednesday 25 October 2023 @ 5am MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online later in the morning.
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Hi all,
I intend to regrid an fv09 file onto a SE grid. There were no errors shown in the log file during the regridding process. However, when I use it as the ncdata to run CESM2.2, I meet the following error in both the atm.log and cesm.log files...
What version of the code are you using?
CESM2.1.3, cam6, clm5
Have you made any changes to files in the source tree?
I haven't change the code. I want to run a base case successfully at first.
Describe your problem or question:
I have tried different compsets, including FCSD, FC2010climo...
Hi all,
I’ve been working with CESM2 using variable resolution and now want to nudge the meteorology. I’ve been following the instructions, but I’ve repeatedly run into issues accessing some the necessary files, as some of them are stored on Glade, which I don’t have access to.
I’d like to...
Hi all,
I am currently trying to add a new tracer to CAM-Chem in CESM2.1.5. My first step to do so is to copy the file from pp_trop_mam4_vbs elsewhere and modify it to add the new aerosol.
However, when doing so I encounter the following error:
ERROR: Command...
Dear CESM Community,
I am currently working on an aquaplanet simulation using CESM, and I would like to disable specific land-based aerosol modes while using MAM7. The aerosol modes I want to remove are as follows:
Primary carbon
Fine dust
Coarse dust
However, I still want to keep sea salt...
I followed some old slides and tutorials online to add new aerosol species and reactions to WACCM.
Now, the model runs without problems with added new species, but once I want to include the aerosols physics properties to mode_defs in atm_in and run the model, I get errors like ERROR...
Hi everyone,
I'm an undergrad student looking to add new aerosol types to CESM for solar geoengineering studies, specifically those that don’t already exist within the model.
I’ve been exploring the files under cam/src/chemistry/modal_aero and I’m considering modifying the MAM to incorporate...
Hi all,
I've come across an error which I haven't seen before and which hasn't been discussed in the forums elsewhere. This is a MUSICA case running the FCnudged compset in CESM2.2.2. The case compiles and submits as normal, but crashes fairly quickly when loading in emissions files. Below is...
I am working on how to modify the mass mixing ratio constituents in some modes and in the user guide for CAM6 indicates that:
"The names of the mass mixing ratio constituents are hardcoded in the modal_aero_initialize_data module. "
Where could I find that...
Hi all,
I'm looking for a CAM-Chem initial conditions file to regrid for a MUSICA run - this would need to be an FCnudged file for 1st Jan 2019 using MERRA2 as the reanalysis. I've looked in the usual place (/glade/campaign/cesm/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/atm/cam/inic) but there's nothing...
I managed to build the 'interpic_new' executable on Casper but have run into some further issues when trying to regrid a CAM-Chem IC file to an SE/RR grid.
When running the initial command:
./interpic -t -i area...
I was wondering if somebody could help me to understand the reason of some outputs I got using CAM6 in CESM2.2.2 (running in Derecho).
I asked CAM6 to write frequencies for each history files series each 30 minutes.
FCnudge compset and MERRA-2 reanalysis are used for these tests.
Hi there,
I am currently using CESM2.3.ahpha17d with the CAM tag set to cam6_3_144, the compset as FCnudged, and the resolution set to ne30_ne30_mg17. During the check inputdata phase, I encountered an issue where the data MERRA2_ne30_32L is missing.
I have checked the repository at...
I would need to create a new independent module in the components/cam/src/physics/cam which will be need to run and used in here.
Besides the module, I also create a modified namelist_definition.xml, which includes the new variables that will called.
How can I make that this new...
I recently tried to run cesm2_3_alpha17c/cesm2_3_alpha17d on a school server (Svante in MIT) and ran into the following problem:
1) I can't run FCnudge's f05_f05_mg17 grid resolution properly in CESM2.3, but it works fine in CESM2.2 version.CESM2.3 reports the following error after...
I recently tried to run cesm2_3_alpha17c/cesm2_3_alpha17d on a school server (Svante in MIT) and ran into the following problem:
1) I can't run FCnudge's f05_f05_mg17 grid resolution properly in CESM2.3, but it works fine in CESM2.2 version.CESM2.3 reports the following error after...
Hi all,
I tried to add 'co2_cycle' into my simulation (FCHIST), but it failed with an error: "CO2&IC is already on the list".
I added '-co2_cycle' to `CAM_CONFIG_OPTS` and also added 'co2_flag=.true.' in `atm_in`.
Looking forward to your reply.
Best regards,
Hi all,
I have a couple of FCnudged cases using MUSICA. These are running on Derecho using CESM2.2.0. One of them works, the other doesn't, and I'm not sure why this is. In the case that doesn't run, I get the following error in the atm logs:
FIND_TIMES: ALL data times are after...
I'm a new user of CESM and CAM. I'm attempting to replicate a study described in this paper: Global environmental implications of atmospheric methane removal through chlorine-mediated chemistry-climate interactions - Nature Communications. However, I'm currently facing some confusion...
Hi, all. I'm running MUSICA for compset FCts2nudged on NCAR Derecho. The version is cesm2.2-asdbranch.
I want to have 3-hr outputs for some variables, so I set up the second and third history outputs in user_nl_cam as:
"avgflag_pertape(3) = 'A',
avgflag_pertape(4) = 'A',
mfilt(3) = 8...
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