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On Tuesday 24 October 2023 @ 5pm MT the forums will be in read only mode in preparation for the downtime. On Wednesday 25 October 2023 @ 5am MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online later in the morning.
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  1. J

    Suspiciously low CAPE values

    Hi all, I have a run of CAM6-Chem from CESM2.1.3 with coupled land (CLM5-BGC-Crop) and oceans (POP2) forced by SSP1-2.6 GHGs and land use. I wanted to look at some convection parameters, however the output from the model for CIN was 0 everywhere and the output for CAPE was an order of magnitude...
  2. J

    NCL CAPE/CIN calculation to Python?

    Hi all, I ran a CAM-Chem case in CESM2.1.3 and output CIN, but all values were 0. I've seen elsewhere that this is a known issue with CAM-Chem and that CIN tends only to be output by WACCM (I guess this is my fault for going for the cheaper model). I'd like to calculate CIN manually but the...
  3. J

    High-resolution soil emissions for SSP3?

    Hi all, I'm setting up some experiments on a regionally-refined grid and doing some emissions processing. I was wondering if there are files containing soil emissions of NH3 and NOx (which would be included as NH3_other_surface) at a grid resolution higher than 0.9x1.25? I've processed raw...
  4. B

    How to turn off the transfer of CO2 from ATM to LND

    Dear All, I am running two FHIST_BGC cases to study the impact of LULCC on radiative forcing of GHGs in global, without considering their feedback. This needs GHGs to be sent from the land to the atmosphere, and not from the atmosphere to the land. The default CCSM_BGC = CO2A, it says "adds...
  5. nuvolet

    run CAM6 without aerosols

    Greetings to everyone, I am trying to run an initial case with CESM2.2/CAM6 but without aerosols. Looking at the CAM6 documentation (Section 8.4) and in a previous post in this forum there are some indication how to do that by adding the following to user_nl_cam: I followed that and when I...
  6. aswann2

    How is surface flux output variable (SFNO) related to input files?

    I'm running sensitivity experiments where I have increased the soil flux of NO through the input file. When I plot the emissions data from the input file, it does not match the output variable SFNO, which is supposedly the surface flux of NO. I implemented the change by altering the namelist...
  7. J

    Error while generating VR topography: " cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"

    Hi all, I'm working with MUSICA and need to generate a topography file for my variable-resolution grid. I am following the instructions for the 'Topo' tool. When I run ./cube_to_target, the script fails with: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object...
  8. E

    CAM-chem with coupled dynamic ocean in CESM2.1.3

    I have previously been running the BWma1850 compset, where the point has been to run the CESM with my own volcanic forcing file (i.e. by creating a new VolcanEESM... in the stratvolc directory) such that the evolution of stratospheric aerosol from SO2 emissions are calculated by the model. The...
  9. K

    Which F compset is identical to the one used in CESM2 AMIP experiment

    Hi, I want to conduct experiments branching off from CESM2 amip experiment same as the CMIP6 amip run. There are a lot of F compsets, like F2000climo, FWHIST, etc. I know CESM1 has a compset named F_AMIP_CAM5, but I didn't find the similar version in CESM2. Thanks! Best, Melody
  10. H

    why would temperature change on changing anthropogenic and biomass emissions in CESM2.1.3 when setting is: "chem_rad_passive = .true."

    I found the change in emissions is also changing the surface temperature even when the passive radiative forcing is True (chem_rad_passive = .true.). I am not sure what is driving this change in temperature in CESM2.1.3 (FMOZ compset; CAM4-Chem, CLM5). Are there any control options...
  11. J

    Output bottom 2 layers of CAM

    Hi all, For some air quality calculations, I'd like to output the bottom 2 layers of a few fields. Starting with temperature and O3, I can get the surface temperature with 'TS' and the the surface O3 concentration with 'O3_SRF'. Is there a way to get just the bottom 2 layers of the atmosphere...
  12. A

    Add Alumina Aerosol Emission

    Hello there! I am a new user to WACCM/CAM and I am interested in adding alumina emissions at altitude. However, I am confused how to specify the particle distribution size for my emissions. I am also curious to learn how to add optical properties such that WACCM computes the radiative forcing...
  13. J

    Unable to build case with MUSICA regional refinement grid

    Hi all, I've made a regionally-refined grid using MUSICA by following the steps in the tutorial. However, fails with: ERROR: Could not initialize Grids when I try to build the case. It's a case using the FCHIST compset and I'm running CESM2.2.0 on Cheyenne. I'm not sure where to...
  14. J

    ERROR: component_mod:check_fields NaN found in ATM instance: 1 field Sa_z 1d global 452: index: 4767

    Hi all, I have a user-defined CESM2.2.0 compset on Cheyenne which runs fine. However, after changing the initial condition files used, it fails to run beyond the first timestep with the following error in cesm.log: ERROR: component_mod:check_fields NaN found in ATM instance: 1 field Sa_z...
  15. J

    Previously successful run crashes after 18 years

    Hi all, I'm running a coupled atmosphere-ocean compset in CESM2.2.0 on Cheyenne. I have successfully run this compset for 10 years - in the next run of 10 years it crashed at year 18. The error in the cesm.log is: WHL, oc_tavg_helper is already associated; reset the tavg fields 0: sysmem...
  16. J

    CESM2 crash without obvious error message

    Hi all, I have a CESM2.2.0 run on Cheyenne which crashes after submitting, but I can't see an obvious error source. It's a land-atmosphere only run based on the FC2010climo compset. The error message in the cesm log is the usual: 0:MCT::m_Router::initp_: GSMap indices not increasing...Will...
  17. H

    Agricultural ammonia (NH3) emission file

    Dear all, Is there any way in CESM where I can modify the agricultural ammonia and see how it can affect the ambient PM2.5 globally? I can find some emission files for ammonia from "bb" and "anthro" for different SSPs, but not NH3 solely from agriculture. Any hint/idea on how I can do this in...
  18. J

    Setting volcanic emissions to work in a future run

    Hi all, I am running CESM2 in a CAM-chem configuration for the year 2050. I have set all surface emissions, lateral boundary conditions, and external forcing specifiers to 2050. However, I am having a problem setting the continuous volcanic emissions. I am aware that these are time averages of...
  19. J

    Interpolating input data from WACCM to CAM-chem

    Hi all, I would like to interpolate some initial conditions from WACCM (70 vertical levels) to use in a CAM-chem run (32 vertical levels) using the interpic tool. I can see that a 32-level case is non-standard in the script 'create_template.ncl' which is required to run interpic. Sure enough...
  20. X


    I haven't started yet, but my plan is to fix one or some emissions substances and keep the others at normal levels, however the current fixation seems to fix all emissions? My idea is to change the following lines of code: srf_emis_fixed_ymd=18500101 srf_emis_type='FIXED' But it seems to fix...