Scheduled Downtime
On Tuesday 24 October 2023 @ 5pm MT the forums will be in read only mode in preparation for the downtime. On Wednesday 25 October 2023 @ 5am MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online later in the morning.
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  1. A

    Add Alumina Aerosol Emission

    Hello there! I am a new user to WACCM/CAM and I am interested in adding alumina emissions at altitude. However, I am confused how to specify the particle distribution size for my emissions. I am also curious to learn how to add optical properties such that WACCM computes the radiative forcing...
  2. J

    Unable to build case with MUSICA regional refinement grid

    Hi all, I've made a regionally-refined grid using MUSICA by following the steps in the tutorial. However, fails with: ERROR: Could not initialize Grids when I try to build the case. It's a case using the FCHIST compset and I'm running CESM2.2.0 on Cheyenne. I'm not sure where to...
  3. J

    ERROR: component_mod:check_fields NaN found in ATM instance: 1 field Sa_z 1d global 452: index: 4767

    Hi all, I have a user-defined CESM2.2.0 compset on Cheyenne which runs fine. However, after changing the initial condition files used, it fails to run beyond the first timestep with the following error in cesm.log: ERROR: component_mod:check_fields NaN found in ATM instance: 1 field Sa_z...
  4. J

    Previously successful run crashes after 18 years

    Hi all, I'm running a coupled atmosphere-ocean compset in CESM2.2.0 on Cheyenne. I have successfully run this compset for 10 years - in the next run of 10 years it crashed at year 18. The error in the cesm.log is: WHL, oc_tavg_helper is already associated; reset the tavg fields 0: sysmem...
  5. J

    CESM2 crash without obvious error message

    Hi all, I have a CESM2.2.0 run on Cheyenne which crashes after submitting, but I can't see an obvious error source. It's a land-atmosphere only run based on the FC2010climo compset. The error message in the cesm log is the usual: 0:MCT::m_Router::initp_: GSMap indices not increasing...Will...
  6. H

    Agricultural ammonia (NH3) emission file

    Dear all, Is there any way in CESM where I can modify the agricultural ammonia and see how it can affect the ambient PM2.5 globally? I can find some emission files for ammonia from "bb" and "anthro" for different SSPs, but not NH3 solely from agriculture. Any hint/idea on how I can do this in...
  7. J

    Setting volcanic emissions to work in a future run

    Hi all, I am running CESM2 in a CAM-chem configuration for the year 2050. I have set all surface emissions, lateral boundary conditions, and external forcing specifiers to 2050. However, I am having a problem setting the continuous volcanic emissions. I am aware that these are time averages of...
  8. J

    Interpolating input data from WACCM to CAM-chem

    Hi all, I would like to interpolate some initial conditions from WACCM (70 vertical levels) to use in a CAM-chem run (32 vertical levels) using the interpic tool. I can see that a 32-level case is non-standard in the script 'create_template.ncl' which is required to run interpic. Sure enough...
  9. X


    I haven't started yet, but my plan is to fix one or some emissions substances and keep the others at normal levels, however the current fixation seems to fix all emissions? My idea is to change the following lines of code: srf_emis_fixed_ymd=18500101 srf_emis_type='FIXED' But it seems to fix...
  10. H

    climate-chemistry interactions in CESM

    Hi, In CESM2.1.3 (FMOZ compset, CAM40%TMOZ, CLM5) do we manually need to turn on climate-chemistry interactions (i.e., simulated aerosols and ozone can actually affect climate?), and two-way nitrogen fluxes (i.e., does your simulated nitrogen deposition actually affects the land?). Where can I...
  11. H

    emission file for SSP370 are missing?

    Hi, I didn't find the following files for SSP370 in the input data file ( Could you please let me know where can I find those files? missing data: C2H4_bb CB1_bb, CB2_bb OC1_bb OC2_bb I just found these...
  12. L

    Holding the hygroscopic growth of aerosols invariant in PORT

    Dear all, I am tring to use the CAM parallel offline radiation tool (PORT) to computing radiative forcing. In my experiment I have to perturb the temperature while holding the hygroscopic growth of aerosols is not affected by the modified temperatures and water vapor concentrations. I am not...
  13. H

    CESM O3 hourly output

    Hi, I am currently using CESM2.1.3 (CAM4, CLM5), FMOZ compset. I want to get O3 hourly output in the hist file and the rest of the other variables in the monthly output (default). I made some changes in user_nl_cam, but I am still getting h0 files as model output and on checking the output .nc...
  14. H

    Create New case using codebase cesm2_1_3_MEGAN turned ON

    Dear Scientists and all, I can create the case without turning on the MEGAN, but when I turn ON the MEGAN (./xmlchange --append CLM_BLDNML_OPTS="-megan"), it results in some error message (ERROR: incompatible settings in drv_flds_in) (attachment). Following are the major settings of my model...
  15. W

    difference between O3_Prod and O3_CHMP

    Hi all, I wonder what the difference between O3_Prod and O3_CHMP. It seems based on output, O3_CHMP is "chemical production rate" in a unit of /cm3/s; for O3_Prod, it is in a unit of molecules/cm3/s. I guess one may be the reaction rate constant, and another one is the reaction rate. But I am...
  16. A

    Experience Modifying CDNC in CAM6?

    Hi all, I'm looking to run CAM6 (as part of a run on CESM2.1) and am looking to change cloud droplet number concentration geographically by latitude / longitude at specified atmospheric pressure levels (below 850 hPa). (I am trying to run a series of experiments to test ocean surface response...
  17. S

    Memory required for CAM-chem

    Hello, If anybody can let me know approximately the space required for a standard CAM-Chem simulation (not fully coupled). I would be using the default meteorology (specified dynamics from MERRA2 with 56 layers) and 1% nudging. The resolution would be 0.5.
  18. O

    chemical boundary and initial conditions for WRF-chem

    Dear all, I am lloking for RCP-based simulations of O3 over Northern Bavaria. Then I need to downscale it by using WRF-chem. According to these papers 1 and 2, I need to the air quality simulations from the modified CESM/CAM-chem . Could you please let me know where I can find these data? Best...
  19. L

    How to add heterogeneous reaction in CAM-chem

    Dear all, I'm running CAM-chem simulation with CESM2.1.0 and I want to add heterogeneous reactions in the FCHIST compset. Where should I change the chemical mechanism? Which file should I add the reactions and individualized reaction rate constant? I really appreciate your helps.
  20. D

    Relationship between the bc_a4 files and num_a4 file.

    So, I've been talking a bit with Simone about this, but I thought I would post it here for others. The bc_a4 file for srf_emis_specifier is the surface emissions of black carbon. This has units of molecules/cm2/s. The num_a4 file is the particle number emissions file for the surface black...