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  1. K

    How to run CAM6 with CLM4 in CESM2

    What version of the code are you using? CESM2.1.5 Have you made any changes to files in the source tree? Not yet Describe your problem or question: Dear community, I plan to run a set of nudging experiments based on compset FHIST_BGC in CESM2.1.5. However, instead of using the default...
  2. A


    Dear all, I am currently evaluating two SST datasets, HadOIBl-SST and PCMDI-SST. While PCMDI-SST was based on observational data and explicitly designed for AMIP runs, I noticed that CESM2 predominantly uses the HadOIBl-SST dataset. I looked at both datasets, and the most significant...
  3. B

    Cam stuck at the process "Creating new decomp"

    Hi, I am trying to rerun a version of the CAM6 PPE on Derecho, incorporating a few changes to the model. To start, I have just been trying to get the correct CAM6 setup I need to build and run on Derecho. I recently was successful in building the model and submitting a case, but the case timed...
  4. S

    How to simulate only the cam - atm

    -I am using CESM2.1.5, due to the HPC storage quota. I want to run cam atm components only, and remove the rest components . Is there a possibility of getting xml format, which was prepared to simulate only the atmospheric (atm) components please?
  5. A

    F2000climo compset with time-varying input files

    Hi everyone, I've been working with the F2000climo compset and noticed that the input files seem to contain only twelve months of data, which I assume is circulated annually by the model. However, I would like to introduce time-varying SST and CO2 data in my simulations. To achieve this, I'm...
  6. nuvolet

    Modify rad_climate in CAM6

    Greetings, I am working on how to modify the mass mixing ratio constituents in some modes and in the user guide for CAM6 indicates that: "The names of the mass mixing ratio constituents are hardcoded in the modal_aero_initialize_data module. " Where could I find that...
  7. O

    Questions on CAM6 nudging parameters

    Hi, I am looking to produce some nudged simulations in the CESM2 CAM6 subseasonal prediction system. Some of these will be everywhere (constant window function) and some will be in particular boxes using a window function horizontally and vertically (tropical troposphere, extratropical NH...
  8. L

    "ERROR: cam_filemap_get_filemap: internal error, pos" in CESM 2.1.3

    Hello, everyone, I am using CESM 2.1.3 PC6 compset aiming to diagnosis of radiation flux by PORT. This compset requires a set of input file. I used the h1 file exported from F2000climo as a "base", with modified variables in it. I modified all the variables containing the time and vertical...
  9. X

    run ETEST compset with CESM2.1.2

    Hi all, I am doing some simulation experiments by changing PFT fractions to representing vegetation changes. I run simulations for 90 years with CESM2.1.2 ETEST(2000_CAM60_CLM50%SP_CICE_DOCN%SOM_MOSART_SGLC_SWAV_TEST) compset and with f19_g17 resolution. ./create_newcase --case ETEST_oldsurf...
  10. nuvolet

    Time steps in the history files outputs in CAM6

    Greetings, I was wondering if somebody could help me to understand the reason of some outputs I got using CAM6 in CESM2.2.2 (running in Derecho). I asked CAM6 to write frequencies for each history files series each 30 minutes. FCnudge compset and MERRA-2 reanalysis are used for these tests. In...
  11. nuvolet

    How to create a new module and compiled in CAM.

    Greetings, I would need to create a new independent module in the components/cam/src/physics/cam which will be need to run and used in here. Besides the module, I also create a modified namelist_definition.xml, which includes the new variables that will called. How can I make that this new...
  12. W

    Error: Unexpected ‘%', Build Failure

    Hi there, I am encountering a persistent issue with building a case using CESM2.3.alpha17a. My configuration includes CAM tag cam6_3_160, compset B1850, and resolution f19_g17. Each attempt to build the case results in an error. In contrast, switching the compset to...
  13. M

    When using CAM6 for a 6-month seasonal forecast, there is a problem with accurately simulating the North West Pacific High in July-August.

    Using ERA-5 reanalysis data and ERSSTv5 sea surface temperature data as initial conditions, and running a global model with a 25km grid spacing, it seems that the North Pacific High is not well depicted in the East Asian region during July and August when the modeling starts in March...
  14. S

    hycoef_read: ERROR: file lev does not match model. lev (file, model): 56 32

    Dear sir/madam I have successfully build cam6 with the configuration mentioned below. compset : HIST_CAM60_CLM50%BGC-CROP_CICE%PRES_DOCN%DOM_MOSART_CISM2%NOEVOLVE_SWAV grid : f05_f05_mg17 Model is crashed with the following error: --------------------- Opened existing file...
  15. G

    Output variable of evaporation and precipitation in CAM6

    Hi, I want to plot "precipitation - evaporation" using the simulated CAM6 data. So, I will change user_nl_cam. However, I couldn't find the evaporation variable. Through the "CAM history field ("...
  16. C

    sensitivity experiment about the circulation response to the anomalous soil moisture in the specific region

    Hello all: I was trying to modulate the response of the circulation to the anomalous soil moisture in a specific region in CAM6. I found that there is a variable (atm_in) that may contains the soil data (clim_soilw_file), so, I changed the prescribed soil moisture in it and ran two cases...
  17. J

    CAM6 with SE dynamical core performance decrease from Cheyenne to Derecho

    Hi Derecho / Cheyenne / CESM users, I am planning to run some simulations but realised while setting up and running some test simulations that there is a performance issue that seems to occur using Derecho. A strong decrease in the performance is visible an I/we do not understand why this...
  18. nuvolet

    Run FIST compset in CESM2.2 - error set_time_float_from_date

    Greetings, I am trying to run a case using the FHIST compset. ./create_newcase --case $casename --compset FHIST --res f09_f09_mg17 And specifying the date and step tun such as: ./xmlchange RUN_STARTDATE=20100101,STOP_OPTION=ndays,STOP_N=2,DOUT_S=FALSE The case compiles but gives me this...
  19. P

    Prescribing SERIAL aerosol/solar in CAM6

    Hi, I'm trying to run CESM 2.1.2 - CAM6, in the F1850 compset with prescribed historical aerosol, with and without historical solar variations. I'm trying to use the following options in the CAM namelist: ! evolving volcano prescribed_strataero_cycle_yr = -999999...
  20. nuvolet

    Update emissions inventories for runs beyond 2015

    Greetings, I am trying to make some tests to make runs for years beyond 2015 using CESM2.2 (CAM6.3). I need to get updated emissions inventories because the ones my CESM2.2 is using are from CMIP6 (1849-2015). Anybody knows where could I find and update of this file...