Scheduled Downtime
On Tuesday 24 October 2023 @ 5pm MT the forums will be in read only mode in preparation for the downtime. On Wednesday 25 October 2023 @ 5am MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online later in the morning.
Normal Operations
The forums are back online with normal operations. If you notice any issues or errors related to the forums, please reach out to
I am running a moisture tracing model written in Python, on Derecho and my local computer, respectively. When using exactly the same codes and input data, I got slightly different results (which I'd expect to be the same, bit to bit). The differences are small, O(10−16), and only for a small...
Hi team,
I am setting up some fully coupled CESM2.1.2 simulations and trying to decide which variables to add to the fincl1 stream of the CAM output.
I noticed that V10 is not a default output while U10 is.
My question now would be:
1. Can I just add V10 to the...
What version of the code are you using?
fsurdat = '/glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/ctsm5.1.dev052/'
Describe your problem or question:
I have a collaborator who would like...
Hi all,
I'm running CESM2.1.3 (CLM5.0) and am interested in outputting certain CLM5 variables to do with fire at PFT level. I set up two identical test cases, with the same input files, where one case specified PFT-level output and the other didn't. The latter case ran fine; the former case...
I have one model experiment is performed from 1980 to 2020 without any sea ice data assimilation. Two types of output are saved, the monthly mean and daily mean. The monthly output includes sea ice concentration and other diagnostic variables (e.g., sea ice area tendency due to thermodynamical...
Dear all,
Is it possible to output houly-scale monthly mean data by setting hist_nhtfrq, which means for each month, they are only 24 files, not 24* day for each month.
I'm trying to output a variable (prc_coef) used in this code: E3SM/components/eam/src/physics/cam/micro_mg_utils.F90
I want to write(iulog,*) prc_coef so that the values of this variable can be checked in the log file. However, it seems impossible to add this new line into elemental subroutine...
Hi all,
This might be a question with a 1-word answer, but just in case it's not:
Is it possible to set one part of the CESM2 to only save output within a given domain? I would ideally like to save a couple of fields from CAM at hourly temporal resolution but only between 40S and 80N. The...
I'm running CESM 1.2.2 with CAM5+trop_mam3+prescribed_emit ncl. After the task completed, I checked the atm.log file and cesm.log file and found these problems below:
This is from atm.log file:
And one from cesm.log file:
It seems that some strange data have been written into the file, but I...
hello! i was testing a dry dynamical core run and add some output variables in user_nl_cam files. however, it turned out that some variables are not available in this idealized run. i just wonder generally where can we get a list of available variables for certain compset? i found a master field...
Hello there!
Recently, I'm running the CESM2.1.1 on Cheyenne with a compset of the piControl. The simulation has successfully run for 55 years, and gets stuck in MPI error during last weekend. Below shows the MPI error in the log file:
1: Opened file...
Hello, everyone. I cp $CCSMROOT/models/ocn/pop2/input_templates/gx1v7_tavg_contents to $CASE/SourceMods/src.pop/ and comment out unnecessary streams (only retain stream 1, which is h.). And I modified the tavg_nml in pop_in the $CASE/run/ to delete unnecessary output stream. Then I run...
Hi everyone!
Is there a way to get air density from CESM1.2.2? Looks like air density is not included in the master history file for either CAM4 or CAM5.
NCAR would like to make sure that you are aware of the availability of the output fields from the CESM2 CMIP6 DECK and Historical Simulations from both the high-top (with WACCM6) and low-top (with CAM6) configurations on the ESGF. There are also output fields available from various MIPs Tier 1...
Affected Releases: CESM1.1.z and CESM1.2.zThe CICE history files have some incorrect history fields (albpnd, albice, albsno). These should not be used.
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