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river runoff

  1. J

    MOSART basin area

    Hi all, Hopefully an easy question for those in the know - which variable in MOSART (as implemented in CLM5) gives you the river basin area? The output files contain: areatotal basin upstream areatotal [m2] (global sum - 2.5 x 10^15 sq m) areatotal2 computed basin upstream areatotal...
  2. M

    Negative runoff values?

    Does anyone know why negative runoff values might appear? They seem to crop up in a few cells near the edges of land masses.
  3. M

    Problems compiling runoff_to_ocean on Cheyenne

    I am using CESM1.2.2.1 for deep time paleoclimate, and I would like to compile the runoff_to_ocean utility on Cheyenne. Unfortunately, I am running into this error. ld: /glade/u/apps/ch/opt/netcdf-mpi/4.6.1/mpt/2.19/intel/17.0.1/lib/libnetcdf.a(libdispatch_la-dfile.o): in function...
  4. J

    run off

    Hi All, i am trying to add rivers to the model. I did arrays identical with grid and in 6 points are values of mass flux (kg/m^2/s). I use real and reasonable data where incoming volume is about VOL~2000 m^3/s. I recalculated this value to mass flux (kg/m^2/s) using equation: M_FLUX =...