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"Abort with message NetCDF: Invalid dimension ID or name in file"


Sam Rabin
I'm trying to add some new variables to the Restart() subroutine in the CropType module:

call restartvar(ncid=ncid, flag=flag, varname='sdates_thisyr', xtype=ncd_double,  &
     dim1name='pft', dim2name='mxgrowseas', switchdim=.true., &
     long_name='crop sowing dates for this patch this year', units='day of year', &
     scale_by_thickness=.false., &
     interpinic_flag='interp', readvar=readvar, data=this%sdates_thisyr)

mxgrowseas is a new dimension I've added to clm_varpar, so obviously it's not present in the existing restart files. I think that's why I'm getting the following error:

Abort with message NetCDF: Invalid dimension ID or name in file /glade/u/home/samrabin/ctsm/libraries/parallelio/src/clib/pio_nc.c at line 812

Is there a way to avoid this error? My understanding is that the restart I/O is tolerant to missing variables, so hopefully there's some way to tell it to be tolerant of missing dimensions as well.


Sam Rabin
I tried wrapping it in if (nf90_inq_dimid(ncid, 'mxgrowseas', mxgrowseas) == 0) then, but that function wants ncid as an integer, not type(file_desc_t).


Sam Rabin
Ahh, looks like this was what I needed instead:
call check_var_or_dim(ncid, 'mxgrowseas', is_dim=.true., exists=found)
if (found) then