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about fractional vegetation data


In clm's old-format surface data files you will find the variables PFT and PCT_PFT. The former tells you which pfts (0-16) are present in a gridcell and the latter tells you their percent cover. PFT=0 corresponds to bare ground.

In clm's new-format surface data files you will only find the variable PCT_PFT. This variable is dimensioned (numpft, numlat, numlon). Numpft equals 1 to 17. These indices correspond to the old values 0 to 16.

For more, please refer to the clm documentation, available on the clm web-page.

Hi. Just to clarify, is the file packaged with the CLM3.5 release in the new format? It doesn't have the "allpfts" in the filename as with the new-format datasets in the CLM3 release, but seems to have only PCT-PFT. Thanks!


These messages were posted in 2006 and referred to clm3.0.

I'm pretty sure that clm3.5 can only read the new format.
